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For parents of kids struggling with anger & tantrums…

16x Best-Selling Parenting Author Reveals His Printable Activity Kit to Help Your Child Dissolve Anger & Regulate Emotions

The revolutionary Playful Emotional Regulation Method works with EVERY child – even if they are short-tempered, hysterical or physically aggressive… it works without physical punishment, threatening, lecturing, bribery or yelling.

Anger Management Adventures Kit
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
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Anger Management Adventures Kit
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  • INSTANT access to a 66-page PRINTABLE pack
  • 20 Big Feelings Cards & Help Cards: empower kids to ask for help when they’re overwhelmed
  • “Angry UNO” card game: 124 printable cards for an informative and fun introduction to anger
  • Feelings Volcano, Anger Detector & other fun worksheets to identify and control negative thoughts
  • Meditation for kids: helps your child relax their body and calm their mind
  • Anger Catcher: a printable game with 8 different calming techniques
  • 3 anger-management activities: to learn how to manage anger
  • The Anger Cycle poster: reminds your child how their emotions work
  • 6 FREE BONUSES (total value $132)
only $29 
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What Is The Anger Management Adventures Kit?

The Anger Management Adventures Kit is a proven step-by-step SYSTEM that will guide your kids to independently control their anger.

It uses a counterintuitive new approach to raising your kids that doesn’t require “old-school” parenting techniques like physical punishment, threatening, lecturing, bribery or yelling.…

That doesn’t make you feel powerless, anxious, guilty or stressed-out as a parent…

That doesn’t make you lose patience when your kid is throwing a tantrum…

That doesn’t make your kids cry, lose their confidence and self-esteem (or talk back at you, lie and throw tantrums every time something isn’t their way)…

And that doesn’t create irreparable damage to your family relationships, that would bring your family members further and further apart (like Powerless Parenting approaches – yelling, threats and punishments).

Instead, it uses the Playful Emotional Regulation method to get your kids to CALM DOWN, regulate their emotions and pay attention to you…

…because they WANT TO, not because they HAVE TO.

anger journey

With the Anger Management Adventures Kit, you can have a happy, loving and peaceful family in just days.

You can have a home full of laughter, smiles and relaxed family moments…

You can create the childhood for your kids that every child dreams of having…

You can finally enjoy nights full of calm, restful sleep, without rolling in bed and stressing out about your kids.

And, most importantly, you can become the best possible parent that your kids DESERVE.

Martina E.
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“My grandson’s biggest problems were severe tantrums and anger outbursts. We made the “anger catcher” with both of my grandsons, then we counted the numbers and played his favorite tune, which immediately calmed him down, it was very pleasant. The manual also gave me a lot to think about since I used to have a hard time controlling my anger. “

Barbara Z
Barb Z.
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“Our children had a huge lack of patience, and quick irritability even with basic things like toys or putting on shoes – if it doesn’t happen immediately they would get irritated in an instant, fighting and yelling constantly. They now understand that it is necessary to wait and try to control their emotions. They don’t get angry as much as before, for example, when putting on a shoe, but instead, they turn it into a joke. I also noticed that I speak more calmly myself and I stand by them. I feel more relaxed. You are great. Thank you! ????”

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Valeria P.
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Our boy does not know how to control his anger, has outbursts of anger during class and problems with peer relations. This has helped tremendously. There are a lot of useful and practical things and activities in the manual. I now feel more relaxed because I feel that I now have the tools to use and react in such situations.”

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Monica T.
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“This really works! Our kid had frequent outbursts of anger, even several times a day, and was constantly angry with everyone around him. Now he turns to the Anger Management Adventures ON HIS OWN, or tells us which method he would like to try at that moment… whether it’s music or a game….depending on the moment. I also try much harder to resolve matters in a more peaceful manner. And we also regularly use your other parental methods into practice. Thank you for everything!”

The Anger Management Adventures Kit is a SHORTCUT

Before I created the Anger Management Adventures Kit, I received endless messages from parents asking me how to get their kids to better manage their anger.

They told me that every time their kid threw a tantrum, they would feel sad, guilty, and “like a bad parent”…

That there’s anger and yelling every day, all day and that yelling has become “normal” communication in their families…

That nothing works anymore to calm down their child, so they need to use threats and punishments (because they see no other way)…

That they feel powerless because of all of this…

And that they’ve had ENOUGH of this “Endless Anger Cycle” and don’t want to raise their kids this way.

Their kids would throw a tantrum every time they were told to stop playing or watching TV…

Every time they were not allowed to have their way or make their own decisions…

Every time they were scolded or disciplined for something they did wrong…

Every time they were feeling tired or hungry…

And they could see how anger issues were hurting them AND their children. It was hurting the whole family.

Luckily, I spent the last 40 years developing the Playful Emotional Regulation (PER) method that helps kids manage their anger and regulate their emotions – within just days of using it.

I spent well over 10,000 hours developing this method through research, trial and error, and working with tens of thousands of families, “challenging” kids and teachers…

And, while counterintuitive at first, this framework works like a charm.

That’s how I was able to help thousands of families calm down their kids even when they were tired, upset or hungry…

And that’s how I’ll help YOU finally stop the tantrums in your family.

Here’s how it works:

Here’s everything you’ll get if you purchase the Anger Management Adventures Kit TODAY

Anger Management Adventures - help your kids dissolve anger and regulate emotions

The Anger Management Adventures Kit is combined into an e-book with printable sections. It is ideal for children over 7 years old who can already read and write.

Among the anger-management adventures in the e-book you will find:

Help Cards & Big Feelings Cards

Sometimes your child’s feelings become too big for them to handle on their own. But at that moment they don’t know how to communicate this to you.

Help Cards are a simple and helpful tool for your child to ask for your support when they’re overwhelmed with their emotions.

Big Feelings Cards help your child identify which other emotions they’re feeling, along with anger. This will help them understand their own feeling better. And it will help you better understand your child and their behavior.

Both of these can be printed out, so your child can use them when they need them most.

“Angry UNO” Card Game

This card game, similar to the classic UNO, is a mixture of fun and educational introduction to anger.

The classic rules are enhanced with questions and tasks related to anger – for example, “What is one thing that can make you angry just thinking about it?” or “What makes you the angriest at school?”.

The aim of the game is to start an open conversation with your child about anger, in addition to having fun.

This way, in a supportive and interesting way for your child, they will share with you their less pleasant feelings and situations that you otherwise would not even know about.

You’ll receive the cards in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

5 Anger-Resistant Worksheets To Change Negative Thought Patterns

anger journey

Your furious youngster’s behavior is conditioned by their thoughts and feelings.

If they’re preoccupied with difficult and negative thoughts, this will be reflected in their turbulent reactions.

It is therefore very important that your child develops the skill of recognizing and calming their thoughts.

The easiest way to do this is by keeping a running log of their thoughts through these 5 special worksheets:

  • “What makes me feel angry?” worksheet
  • “My Feelings Volcano” worksheet
  • “My Anger Journey” worksheet
  • “Feeling angry towards others” worksheet
  • “My Anger Detector” worksheet

You’ll receive the worksheets in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

Meditation For Kids

The mind is not the only thing a child needs to cool down if they want to calm down.

Anger and other strong emotions also come from their physical body.

When a child is in touch with their body and knows how to calm it down, their thoughts quickly calm down too.

Next time your child is upset, use a modified version of meditation for kids.

You’ll receive two versions of the meditation – for younger children (7 to 10 years) and for older children (11 to 15 years).

Anger Catcher

anger catcher

Various calming techniques can be used for successful anger management.

A great way for a child to learn these techniques is with the help of the Anger Catcher.

This simple tool will help you to offer your child 8 calming techniques to use when they’re angry.

You’ll receive it in digital format, so you can simply print it out and let your child cut it out and color it.

3 Anger-Management Activities


When your child is very upset and agitated, you can calm them down by redirecting their attention.

Using one of these 3 mental activities, your child will need to concentrate fully on solving a problem.

Their deep concentration will be followed by a calming of their intense emotions.

PLUS, 6 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($132 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
unbusy your mind

Workbook – Unbusy Your Mind: Exercise for unwinding your child from being too busy and overwhelmed

Value: $17
im in control

Poster – I’m in Control: Empower your Kid to Focus on Things They Can Control and Let Go of The Things They Can’t

Value: $17
mindset makeover

Worksheet Mindset Makeover: Change Your Child’s Negative and Limiting Thoughts into Positive

Value: $17
calm kid cards

Printable – Calm Kid Cards: Cards to Better Manage Their Big, Unpleasant Emotions

Value: $27
zen box

Worksheet – Zen Box: Selection of Tool Ideas for Helping Your Kid to Calm Down when Feeling Stressed

Value: $27
keep your cool

E-book – Keep Your Cool: 6 Key Strategies to Keep Calm When Your Child is Angry

Value: $27
78 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Anger Management Adventures Kit for 90 days, 100% risk-free. If it doesn't absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we'll return your full investment - no questions asked!
best selling author badge As seen on TV logo #1 Parenting Brand Award - 2022

Here’s How I Got Kids Who Were Throwing Tantrums Non-Stop to Independently Manage Their Anger And Stay Calm… by Ignoring The Common Wisdom, Breaking All The Rules, And Turning The Traditional Parenting Techniques Upside Down

This Is Something Completely New, Completely Different, Completely Unlike Anything You’ve Ever Heard of Before – Read The Story Below To Discover The Anger Management Adventures Kit…

From: The laptop of Marko Juhant
Re: Your kid’s anger issues (and why this is the only way to solve it)

Dear parent…

I know you don’t want to be the obnoxious parent who keeps punishing, bribing and yelling at your kids because they’re throwing tantrums…

You don’t WANT to do any of that.

But you do it because nothing else works.

Because you’re in a hurry to get to work, sleep or a doctor’s appointment.

Because you’re tired and impatient after a long day of work, taking care of the family or a sleepless night.

Because they just don’t pay attention to you even though you ask them nicely, don’t expect much from them and just want what’s best for them.

Because it shouldn’t be THAT hard to get ready for school, take out the trash and go to bed on time, right?

Yes, by yelling, bribing and punishing, you MIGHT get what you want…

But at a cost.

You feel horrible.


Like a bad parent.

Why can’t things just be different?

Why don’t your kids just CALM DOWN?

Why can’t you just have a “normal” family?

Why does parenting have to be so hard and draining?

You just want a happy family that gets along well…

But instead, you’re stuck in the Endless Anger Cycle, and you’re not alone.

When I surveyed 5,000+ parents about their parenting challenges, I kept getting the same responses over and over again:

“It throws me off my track when she says ‘no’ in the first second and then slams the door. I want to stop this from happening.”

“Conflicts put me in a bad mood and take up a lot of our time (especially when I have long monologues, too much talking, which so far have not had the effect I would have liked), which could be spent on something else…”

“We’re having a lot of tantrums, that lead to fighting, bad temper, arguing between the partners, then she gets a smack on the ass and we haven’t really solved the problem…”

It breaks my heart when I read these messages.

Especially because I know the consequences.

I know exactly what happens to families if kids don’t learn how to control their anger.

The Endless Anger Cycle can cause irreparable damage to your children, your family relationships and your mental health.

By working with multiple generations of kids, I saw what happens if the parents don’t teach their kids how to control their anger.

I’ve seen the same 8 deadly consequences of the Endless Anger Cycle happen over and over again, which cause parents to wonder “where did we go wrong?” at some point in their lives – often when it’s too late.

If you don’t teach your kids how to manage their anger:

  1. ​​They’ll struggle with relationships: Uncontrolled anger can damage relationships, causing children to struggle to make and keep friends or form healthy romantic relationships in the future.
  2. They’ll have trouble in school: Anger outbursts can be disruptive in the classroom, leading to poor academic performance, social isolation, and potentially even expulsion.
  3. They’ll struggle to hold down a job: If a child can’t control their anger, they may struggle in a work environment, leading to difficulty finding and keeping a job.
  4. They’ll struggle with self-regulation: Without the ability to manage their anger, children struggle to regulate their emotions in general, leading to difficulty managing stress and anxiety.
  5. They may turn to physical violence: Uncontrolled anger can lead to aggressive behavior, physical violence, and even legal trouble.
  6. They may suffer from physical health problems: Prolonged anger can cause physical symptoms like headaches, high blood pressure, and digestive problems.
  7. They may struggle with mental health: Uncontrolled anger can contribute to mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and even PTSD.
  8. They may struggle with self-worth: Children who can’t control their anger may feel ashamed, embarrassed and have low self-worth.

I’m not saying this to scare you.

It’s the harsh reality.

Only YOU can choose to accept it, ignore it, or do something about it.

The more you tolerate their outbursts, the more damage you’ll do to your kids, your family and your mental health.

By now, you know that it’s time to STOP the Endless Anger Cycle once and for all.

The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become, and the more irreparable damage will be caused.

The only question is – HOW?

Only YOU have the power to stop the tantrums and end the Endless Anger Cycle

You have a choice to make.

You can choose to ignore my advice and keep dealing with tantrums every day…

Or, you can do something about it today.

Anger issues don’t have to be a household staple in YOUR family.

You can find a way for your kids to manage their anger…

You can feel like you’re the best parent that you can be…

You can raise happy and successful kids you’re proud of…

And you can love every single minute of it.

When you start using the Playful Emotional Regulation method, magic happens

Once you start using the Playful Emotional Regulation method (which I’ll tell you more about in a minute)…

You’ll simply play a game with your kids…

Give them an activity to do…

Give them a puzzle to solve…

Use the right words with them…

And they will just CALM DOWN.

They’ll happily talk to you and collaborate with you – even with things they don’t want to do.

All of a sudden, parenting becomes easy. Fun. Exciting.

And then, the REAL magic happens.

When you take your kids to their grandparents, or to a restaurant…

Other parents will stare at you in awe.

They’ll wonder:

“How do they do it?”

“How are their kids behaving so nicely?”

“What’s their secret?”

And you’ll simply lean back in your armchair and smile.

You’ll know you’ve put your kids on the right track to being happy and successful…

You’re no longer stressing out about parenting every day…

You even have quality, uninterrupted time with your partner…

You finally feel like you’re giving your kids everything you can – and they appreciate it.

The solution that will help you stop tantrums isn’t “permissive parenting”.

You don’t have to let your kids do whatever they want.

You really really shouldn’t do that, despite the permissive parenting techniques that became all the hype over the past decades.

Parenting approaches that are too soft:

  • Limit your child’s development: They’ll learn the skills that interest them (like playing video games all day), but they won’t learn the vital skills they need in life (like becoming a financially independent and responsible adult).
  • Are not in your child’s best interest: By letting your child do only what’s fun for them, they’ll be happy in the short term, but unhappy in the long-term. They won’t know how to persevere, be gritty, and work through the difficult challenges that life brings them.
  • Create more problems for parents: If you don’t set healthy boundaries for your kids and raise them without any consequences, they’ll start abusing that. They’ll stay out as long as they want to, they’ll stop studying for school subjects that don’t interest them, and they won’t do any chores. You can’t let your kids do whatever they want UNTIL they learn how to become independent and responsible.
  • Give your kids too much, too early: If you let your kids party, do drugs, have unprotected sex and do anything they want to do without supervision… Well, I don’t have to tell you that it will create many problems for them. When they’re 18, they’ll think “is that all there is to life?” and likely become depressed, spoiled and lazy.
  • Raise spoiled kids that become spoiled parents: Sadly, there are many “kids” that still live with their parents by the time they are 30, 40 or even 50. “That could never happen to me”, you’ll say… But if they aren’t independent and responsible, how will they make a living, let alone raise their own kids?

Now, I’m not saying you have to be harsh and firm all the time. Quite the opposite.

You need to help your kids how to manage their emotions INDEPENDENTLY and not have anger outbursts as soon as they don’t like something.

This is a vital skill to thrive throughout their lives.

Your kids don’t ALWAYS have an “anger problem”.

When they’re in a good mood, rested, full of energy and have enough time, they’ll rarely throw a tantrum.

If everything is running smoothly, there’s no need for anger outbursts.

But when the conditions aren’t perfect – which is sadly too often – that’s when the anger boils to the surface.

When you ask them to do something they don’t like…

When you don’t allow them to do something…

When they’re tired after a long day…

When they’re hungry…

That’s when everything falls apart.

So, let me ask you – what have you tried so far to stop their tantrums?

And what actually worked?

It’s not your fault that your kids are throwing tantrums

If you’re like most parents, you’ve tried one or more of these 6 approaches.

And if you’re like most parents, they didn’t work for you.

Here’s why:

  1. Ignoring the child: While sometimes ignoring a tantrum can be effective in extinguishing the behavior, in other cases it can be unhelpful if the child is seeking attention or a response from the parent.
  2. Bribing the child: Offering the child a reward or bribe to stop the tantrum can reinforce the behavior and teach the child that tantrums are an effective way to get what they want.
  3. Punishing the child: Punishing a child for having a tantrum can reinforce the behavior, and teach the child that expressing their emotions is wrong or bad.
  4. Shaming the child: Criticizing or shaming a child for having a tantrum can damage their self-esteem and exacerbate their negative emotions.
  5. Giving in to the child: Giving the child what they want to stop the tantrum can reinforce the behavior and teach the child that throwing a tantrum is an effective way to get what they want.
  6. Yelling or physically disciplining the child: Responding to a child’s anger or tantrum with yelling or physical punishment can worsen the situation and harm the child’s emotional and mental well-being.

Typical and sometimes the most intuitive techniques just don’t work in practice. Or they may work in the short term, but they cause more damage than good in the long term.

You know it, or you wouldn’t be reading this page…

What you need is a proven step-by-step SYSTEM that guides you along the way to teach your kids to control their anger

Kids who throw tantrums, scream, yell, cry, kick or run away… do so because they don’t like something and they don’t know how else to deal with it.

This is all due to ONE thing – they don’t know how to regulate their emotions.

When something upsets them, they naturally feel a negative emotion, and instead of calmly verbally expressing themselves, they throw a tantrum.

The tantrum itself makes them feel even worse and brings up even stronger emotions of anger.

This is often further amplified by the parent’s negative reaction.

The child falls into what I call the “Anger Spyral”. Instead of calming down, they’re just getting angrier and angrier.

They may not stop until they’re simply physically too exhausted to keep going.

On the other hand, kids who don’t throw tantrums and who know how to calm themselves down do so because they’re good at regulating their emotions.

These kids know how to express their needs and emotions in a healthy way.

And they’re able to express themselves and negotiate conflicts without yelling, crying and kicking.

They may be naturally good at it, or they’ve unknowingly learned it from their parents.

The earlier they learn it, the easier it is. But – it’s never too late and it can always still be learned.

And that’s exactly what the Anger Management Adventures Kit was designed to achieve.

The kit leverages the Playful Emotional Regulation method, which helps kids to understand and regulate their emotions with the help of their favorite activity – PLAY.

If you want an emotionally healthy child who is in touch with their feelings and knows how to regulate their emotions, I invite you to TRY THE ANGER MANAGEMENT ADVENTURES KIT.

I guarantee you that it’s a great investment that will have a tremendously positive impact on both your and your child’s future.

Buy before you do…

I’d like to introduce myself and tell you about how all this came to be.

I’m Marko, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years

I come from Slovenia (a small country in Europe), which is why you might not have heard of me yet.

I started out as a teacher on a school campus…

Quickly graduated to a principal position at a school for “challenging” kids…

And believe me, many of them had SERIOUS emotion regulation issues.

They threw tantrums, yelled at me, tried to manipulate me…

But none of their outbursts ever lasted more than a few seconds

Because I knew exactly how to handle these situations…

Then, when other principals saw that I could help them as well, they invited me to host workshops for teachers and parents at their schools.

Right now, I do about 500 workshops every year, where I help teachers and parents with their unique challenges – even though I’m in my 60s.

Marko Juhant parenting class
A workshop in front of 300+ parents and teachers at a primary school

When parents at workshops started asking me to give them something they could read at home, I started writing books.

I ended up writing 16 parenting books, most of which topped the national bestseller lists in Slovenia and competed with titles like Harry Potter.


Book stack Marko Juhant
My stack of best-selling books that helped 100,000+ parents raise their kids better

Over the past 40 years, more than 100,000 parents and teachers read my books or listened to my lectures.

Which is quite a few since my country Slovenia only has about 800,000 parents.

My work has been featured across every major media outlet through articles and radio shows

This created a ripple effect throughout Europe.

All of a sudden, journalists from Croatia, Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland started interviewing me, and parents and teachers from all over Europe started reaching out to me for help.

I wanted to help – so I learned new languages just to be able to share my knowledge with them.

I helped thousands of families through YouTube videos and interviews

Over the years, I also worked with over 1000 European families 1on1 that came to me as “their light at the end of the tunnel”.

I came into their home, worked with the parents and kids for a week, and solved their challenges.

“How is life without tantrums possible?”

I have two kids of my own, who are now grown ups.

But they never yelled, threw tantrums or or had hysterical outbursts…


Simply because we taught them early on how to understand and regulate their emotions.

We knew the steps to follow to avoid anger issues, and we successfully resolved situations before it was too late.

And you can too, with the approach I’m about to share with you.

How the Playful Emotion Regulation method was born

I discovered the Playful Emotion Regulation method because of my deep interest in children’s psychology which guided me throughout my career.

I developed it while working with challenging kids for over 40 years – in schools, kindergartens, and homes all over Europe.

I spent thousands of hours learning from my mentors. Reading all sorts of different books on parenting, psychology and life.

I tested thousands of different approaches to see what works and what doesn’t.

Over time, I developed my own anger-management toolbox that helped me PREDICTABLY and CONSISTENTLY get kids to understand their emotions and calm down.

And today, I’m going to share it with you.

The Playful Emotion Regulation method: The parenting “HACK” that nobody talks about

Kids (as well as adults) these days are often disconnected from their emotions due to certain aspects of modern life.

This makes it difficult (sometimes nearly impossible) for them to feel, understand and regulate their emotions.

This can play out in two different ways.

Either they appear dull and without any emotions. Or, more often, they express their emotions in extreme ways – often as tantrums, yelling, hysteria and even physical violence.

PER (Playful Emotion Regulation) is a psychological method that helps kids first to understand their emotions through their favorite activity – play.

Once they become comfortable with their emotions, PER offers a range of tools that help kids to regulate their emotions, manage their anger and calm down. Again, all of it through PLAY.

Kids don’t WANT to be angry – they just don’t know what else to do

To help you raise kids without anger issues, I developed a complete Playful Emotion Regulation toolbox that helps your kid understand and regulate their emotions.

You will effortlessly use them when your child:

  • Starts yelling or screaming
  • Cryes uncontrollably
  • Starts hitting or kicking
  • Starts throwing things
  • Slams doors
  • Refuses to talk to you
  • …and in many many other situations.

And today, I’m thrilled to share these tools with you.

I combined the best PEM tools into the Anger Management Adventures Kit that has already been tested by thousands of parents.

They were blown away by them and told me their kids stopped throwing tantrums within DAYS.

And today, you’ll be able to experience the magic of the PEM method as well.

Without further ado, I’d like to invite you to try…

The Anger Management Adventures Kit

The Playful Emotion Regulation toolbox that will get your kids to dissolve anger, regulate emotions and stop tantrums

This isn’t a tactic where your kids will manage their anger for a few days.

This kit will teach your kids how to manage their anger for life.

Once you start using the Anger Management Adventures Kit, you will:

  • Get your kids to stop throwing tantrums
  • End the “Endless Anger Cycle” with the Playful Emotion Regulation method
  • Peacefully escape yelling battles and become a better example for your kids
  • Create warmer and calmer relationships through non-violent parenting techniques
  • Use a peaceful and sometimes funny approach to calm your kids down

All in a respectful and effective way, without creating unnecessary fear, emotional damage and guilt (on both sides).

When a tantrum is on the horizon, you’ll know exactly what to do to avoid it.

And because you’ll get access to all the tools instantly, you’ll easily be able to use them in action already today.

The Anger Management Adventures Kit includes Games and activities for your child to:

  • become familiar and comfortable with their emotions
  • better tune into their feelings and emotions
  • learn how to regulate their emotions and prevent anger outbursts

In short – you’ll have everything you need to your child’s anger issues within days!

Join thousands of parents who no longer have to listen to tantrums every day

This kit was tested by over 25,000 parents.

Here’s what some of them said about it:

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Sonja P.
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“In our home, we had constant quarrels and fighting between siblings, but now I notice that they are calmer and more tolerant of each other. I am also way more relaxed and patient than I was. Mr. Juhant, you are great! ????”

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Jennifer G.
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“This is fantastic! Our son was really struggling with anger issues at school and was coming home from school really upset and frustrated, but since he start using the worksheets, he learned to understand what actually triggers his anger and how to easier cope with his strong emotions.

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Laura S.
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“It has been an amazing resource for us. We cut out the Angry Uno cards and by playing the game we noticed our child speaks much easier about his anger and this helps him to process a lot of suppressed emotions. The forms also worked wonders. Thank you, Mr. Juhant, for creating a fantastic tool.”

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Karen B.
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I never thought a manual like this could make such a big difference, but it has! Our son was struggling with anger and we had constant battles. But the fun games and activities in the kit have helped him learn how to calm down and regulate his outbursts in a healthy way. Thank you for this!”

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Lili L
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“I can tell there is more mutual kindness, calmness and compassionate conversation in our family. Above all, I learned how to listen to my daughter first and then later tell her my opinion. We talk more, come to an agreement much easier and also stick to the agreement, which before was not often the case. Your expertise is definitely useful to me and we are slowly putting it into practice in our everyday life.”

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Emily D.
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“Our daughter has struggled with managing her anger for quite a while, but the methods and the activities in this kit have really made a difference in her behavior. Highly recommend!”

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“I have to tell you that Mr. Juhant is a wonderful teacher with a capital “T”. Since I’ve found out about him, for quite a few years now, I really appreciate him, I appreciate his advice, I like the delivery of his content. Above all I like that he mentions and uses common sense, as I myself like to use it.”

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It has been a godsend for our family. For parents, it can be so frustrating to feel powerless in the face of our child’s anger issues. But this has given us the tools we needed and we’ve seen a huge improvement. Everything became much calmer and less intense.”

Who is the Anger Management Adventures Kit right for?

The kit is right for you if…

  • Your kids are throwing tantrums, get angry and can’t manage their emotions: If you want your kids to stay calm and learn how to manage negative emotions… This kit is for you.
  • You feel POWERLESS as a parent: If you’ve tried everything, but nothing ever works (and you have to use yelling, threats and punishments), then this kit is perfect for you.
  • You want a happy, kind, loving family: If you want to have a family full of peace, calm, and happiness, and you want a shortcut to getting there, then this kit is perfect for you.
  • You are a brand new (or seasoned) parent: This kit will work for you if you have a todler, a pre-schooler or a teenager… The kit works for kids of all ages – it will work for your first, second and third kid (and beyond).
  • You are married, single mom/dad, stay at home mom/dad or coparenting: You will be able to get the most out of this kit regardless of your current situation.

Parents purchased the Anger Management Adventures Kit for the following reasons:

“Since he is in kindergarten, he just started hitting when he doesn’t like something. I’m afraid he’ll hurt himself or someone else.”

“When he doesn’t like something or when we tell him not to do something, he literally goes on the counter-attack, for example: “you’re crazy mummy”, “I won’t do it”. Sometimes he’s all red, he starts to bully, for example he says he’s going to break a vase or one of my favorite things.”

“To stop him hitting his head with his hands and banging his head on the floor when he is angry, or when he fails to do something, or when he “has to” do something.”

“I just want a loving family without arguing, raising my voice and threatening what will happen if something is not done.”

“Because I’m worried. My daughter starts school in the autumn and she has to get used to the fact that in life, in school, you are not always the first and the best.”

“My son has been through a lot of changes recently, including a move to a new city and a new school. He’s been acting out more, and I want to help him cope with the stress and anxiety he’s feeling.”

“My child has ADHD, and his impulsivity and emotional dysregulation can be challenging for him and for our whole family. I want to help him learn to manage his symptoms more effectively.”

If you recognize yourself in any of the described situations, I am sure that you will also take away a lot of useful advice and practical solutions from the system!

A system tailored to the (over)worked parent

I created the Anger Management Adventures Kit for parents who don’t have time to read tons of parenting books to figure out what will help them the most.

For those of you who are always on the go and don’t have time to watch long lectures.

You prefer a straight-to-the-point solution and quickly put its contents into practice.

If that’s you, then this system will change your parenting life forever.

But don’t take my word for it…

“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee

Now, if for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the product…

Then I don’t want to keep your money.

That’s why I’m backing it up with a no-questions-asked 90-day money back guarantee.

I know that your child’s behavior will improve in just days. But just in case, I’ll give you 90 days of time to ask for a refund.

If the kit doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and my team will return your full investment.

No questions asked!

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Limited time offer: Get the Anger Management Adventures Kit for just $19

If you want me to come into your home for one week to help you solve your parenting challenges…

It will cost you more than $5,000 (plus travel expenses).

It would be more than fair to charge a tenth of that ($500) for all the tools I’ll share with you in this kit…

Because they are the very same tools my 1on1 clients use to stop yelling and become happy, connected families.

But I’m not going to do that.

I strongly believe that every parent in the world should get access to the most effective parenting tools on the planet…

And money should never hold you back from making the best investment you’ll ever make into your family.

That’s why I didn’t price the kit at $300, $200 or even $100…

Even though those prices would be completely fair – as the kit is worth many times more.

Because I want to help as many families as possible become No-Yelling Families…

You can try the kit out, 100% risk-free, for just $19.

It’s less than the cost of a single book or video game.

It’s less than the cost of a monthly subscription to some streaming services.

It’s even less than an average toy that you buy for your kids every Christmas.

And yet, this kit will bring your family much more joy than ANY gift you could buy for them…

It will bring you (and your kids) lasting happiness, joy and a beautiful childhood that you all deserve.

It will be the single best investment you’ll even make in your family – guaranteed.

But don’t take my word for it.

Try the Anger Management Adventures Kit out…

See the difference it makes for YOUR family…

And THEN decide whether it’s right for you or not.

You have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain.

Here’s everything you’ll get if you purchase the Anger Management Adventures Kit TODAY

Anger Management Adventures - help your kids dissolve anger and regulate emotions

The Anger Management Adventures Kit is combined into an e-book with printable sections. It is ideal for children over 7 years old who can already read and write.

Among the anger-management adventures in the e-book you will find:

Help Cards & Big Feelings Cards

Sometimes your child’s feelings become too big for them to handle on their own. But at that moment they don’t know how to communicate this to you.

Help Cards are a simple and helpful tool for your child to ask for your support when they’re overwhelmed with their emotions.

Big Feelings Cards help your child identify which other emotions they’re feeling, along with anger. This will help them understand their own feeling better. And it will help you better understand your child and their behavior.

Both of these can be printed out, so your child can use them when they need them most.

“Angry UNO” Card Game

This card game, similar to the classic UNO, is a mixture of fun and educational introduction to anger.

The classic rules are enhanced with questions and tasks related to anger – for example, “What is one thing that can make you angry just thinking about it?” or “What makes you the angriest at school?”.

The aim of the game is to start an open conversation with your child about anger, in addition to having fun.

This way, in a supportive and interesting way for your child, they will share with you their less pleasant feelings and situations that you otherwise would not even know about.

You’ll receive the cards in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

5 Anger-Resistant Worksheets To Change Negative Thought Patterns

Your furious youngster’s behavior is conditioned by their thoughts and feelings.

If they’re preoccupied with difficult and negative thoughts, this will be reflected in their turbulent reactions.

It is therefore very important that your child develops the skill of recognizing and calming their thoughts.

The easiest way to do this is by keeping a running log of their thoughts through these 5 special worksheets:

  • “What makes me feel angry?” worksheet
  • “My Feelings Volcano” worksheet
  • “My Anger Journey” worksheet
  • “Feeling angry towards others” worksheet
  • “My Anger Detector” worksheet

You’ll receive the worksheets in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

Meditation For Kids

The mind is not the only thing a child needs to cool down if they want to calm down.

Anger and other strong emotions also come from their physical body.

When a child is in touch with their body and knows how to calm it down, their thoughts quickly calm down too.

Next time your child is upset, use a modified version of meditation for kids.

You’ll receive two versions of the meditation – for younger children (7 to 10 years) and for older children (11 to 15 years).

Anger Catcher

Various calming techniques can be used for successful anger management.

A great way for a child to learn these techniques is with the help of the Anger Catcher.

This simple tool will help you to offer your child 8 calming techniques to use when they’re angry.

You’ll receive it in digital format, so you can simply print it out and let your child cut it out and color it.

3 Anger-Management Activities

When your child is very upset and agitated, you can calm them down by redirecting their attention.

Using one of these 3 mental activities, your child will need to concentrate fully on solving a problem.

Their deep concentration will be followed by a calming of their intense emotions.

78 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Anger Management Adventures Kit for 90 days, 100% risk-free. If it doesn't absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we'll return your full investment - no questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to deal with daily tantrums and arguments with your child?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The manual will take you less than an hour to read and then you’ll be able to implement the whole system throughout fun activities with your child.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day kid-free vacation… that’s not really a problem either. The materials will wait for you until you return; just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 90 days to try the kit 100% risk-free.


I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The system has been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I’ve made sure that it’s bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this system will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the kit, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Since you will receive the materials via email, you can of course access them anytime and anywhere you wish.

Once you receive the materials, they are yours to keep. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program. You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Of course, you keep these materials forever. You can use them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the system are intended for the parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that simply work, regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40-year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are human. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order it and then e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the product, please notify us at [email protected] within 90 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

Here’s everything you’ll get if you purchase the Anger Management Adventures Kit TODAY

Anger Management Adventures - help your kids dissolve anger and regulate emotions

The Anger Management Adventures Kit is combined into an e-book with printable sections. It is ideal for children over 7 years old who can already read and write.

Among the anger-management adventures in the e-book you will find:

Help Cards & Big Feelings Cards

Sometimes your child’s feelings become too big for them to handle on their own. But at that moment they don’t know how to communicate this to you.

Help Cards are a simple and helpful tool for your child to ask for your support when they’re overwhelmed with their emotions.

Big Feelings Cards help your child identify which other emotions they’re feeling, along with anger. This will help them understand their own feeling better. And it will help you better understand your child and their behavior.

Both of these can be printed out, so your child can use them when they need them most.

“Angry UNO” Card Game

This card game, similar to the classic UNO, is a mixture of fun and educational introduction to anger.

The classic rules are enhanced with questions and tasks related to anger – for example, “What is one thing that can make you angry just thinking about it?” or “What makes you the angriest at school?”.

The aim of the game is to start an open conversation with your child about anger, in addition to having fun.

This way, in a supportive and interesting way for your child, they will share with you their less pleasant feelings and situations that you otherwise would not even know about.

You’ll receive the cards in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

5 Anger-Resistant Worksheets To Change Negative Thought Patterns

anger journey

Your furious youngster’s behavior is conditioned by their thoughts and feelings.

If they’re preoccupied with difficult and negative thoughts, this will be reflected in their turbulent reactions.

It is therefore very important that your child develops the skill of recognizing and calming their thoughts.

The easiest way to do this is by keeping a running log of their thoughts through these 5 special worksheets:

  • “What makes me feel angry?” worksheet
  • “My Feelings Volcano” worksheet
  • “My Anger Journey” worksheet
  • “Feeling angry towards others” worksheet
  • “My Anger Detector” worksheet

You’ll receive the worksheets in digital format, so you can simply print and cut them out.

Meditation For Kids

The mind is not the only thing a child needs to cool down if they want to calm down.

Anger and other strong emotions also come from their physical body.

When a child is in touch with their body and knows how to calm it down, their thoughts quickly calm down too.

Next time your child is upset, use a modified version of meditation for kids.

You’ll receive two versions of the meditation – for younger children (7 to 10 years) and for older children (11 to 15 years).

Anger Catcher

anger catcher

Various calming techniques can be used for successful anger management.

A great way for a child to learn these techniques is with the help of the Anger Catcher.

This simple tool will help you to offer your child 8 calming techniques to use when they’re angry.

You’ll receive it in digital format, so you can simply print it out and let your child cut it out and color it.

3 Anger-Management Activities


When your child is very upset and agitated, you can calm them down by redirecting their attention.

Using one of these 3 mental activities, your child will need to concentrate fully on solving a problem.

Their deep concentration will be followed by a calming of their intense emotions.

PLUS, 5 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($115 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
unbusy your mind

Workbook – Unbusy Your Mind: Exercise for unwinding your child from being too busy and overwhelmed

Value: $17
im in control

Poster – I’m in Control: Empower your Kid to Focus on Things They Can Control and Let Go of The Things They Can’t

Value: $17
mindset makeover

Worksheet Mindset Makeover: Change Your Child’s Negative and Limiting Thoughts into Positive

Value: $17
calm kid cards

Printable – Calm Kid Cards: Cards to Better Manage Their Big, Unpleasant Emotions

Value: $27
zen box

Worksheet – Zen Box: Selection of Tool Ideas for Helping Your Kid to Calm Down when Feeling Stressed

Value: $27
keep your cool

E-book – Keep Your Cool: 6 Key Strategies to Keep Calm When Your Child is Angry

Value: $27
78 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee
You can try the FULL Anger Management Adventures Kit for 90 days, 100% risk-free. If it doesn't absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we'll return your full investment - no questions asked!
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