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For parents who don’t want to yell at their kids ever again...

Best-Selling Parenting Expert Reveals a Counterintuitive Approach to Get Your Kids to LISTEN Without Yelling, Threats and Punishments – In 28 Days (or Less)

Without Losing Your Patience, Raising Your Voice, Repeating Yourself, Shouting Battles, Resistance, Tantrums, Crying, Time Outs, Bribes, Stress, Anxiety And Sleepless Nights

28 Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
Satisfied customers
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28-Day No-Yelling Challenge
4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews
  • 28 no-yelling tools that will help you stop yelling at your kids (without bribes, threats and punishments);
  • 28 daily 5-minute e-mail lessons will help you raise your kids in surprising, peaceful, respectful, curious and sometimes humorous ways;
  • Concrete instructions with practical examples from everyday parenting situations that every parent can relate to;
  • Daily reminders will help you become the parent every kid wishes to have in less than 28 days.
  • Proven and tested parenting techniques based on 40+ years of experience and working with 100,000+ kids and families;
  • Lifetime access to all the materials and bonuses from the challenge, so you can revisit them at any time in the future, and go through them at your own pace.
  • 6 FREE BONUSES (Peaceful Parent, Transforming Triggers, Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments, No-Yelling Progress Tracker, Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses, Strong-willed Kids Manual) – Total Value $132
only $28 
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What Is The No-Yelling Parenting Challenge?

The No-Yelling Parenting Challenge uses a counterintuitive new approach to raising your kids that doesn’t require “old-school” parenting techniques like yelling, threats or punishments…

That doesn’t make you feel powerless, terrible, anxious, guilty or stressed-out as a parent…

That doesn’t make you lose patience because your kids just don’t do what you want them to do (and you have to repeat yourself over and over again until you “lose it”)…

That doesn’t make your kids cry, lose their confidence and self-esteem (or talk back at you, lie and throw tantrums every time something isn’t their way)…

And that doesn’t create irreparable damage to your family relationships, that would bring your family members further and further apart (like Powerless Parenting approaches – yelling, threats and punishments).

Instead, it uses The No-Yelling Tools to get your kids to LISTEN, cooperate and pay attention to you because they like, love and trust you…

…because they WANT TO, not because they HAVE TO.

With The No-Yelling Parenting Challenge, you can have a happy, loving and peaceful family in as little as 28 days.

You can have a home full of laughter, smiles and relaxed family moments…

You can create the childhood for your kids that every child dreams of having…

You can finally enjoy nights full of calm, restful sleep, without rolling in bed and stressing out about your kids.

And, most importantly, you can become the best possible parent that your kids DESERVE.

odette h
Odette Haug
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“Every day, I eagerly awaited their emails to gain insight and have fun while realizing the errors in my approach to educating my seven-year-old. I followed their advice, and the results have been remarkable thus far.

munira h
Munira Hijazi
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“I’ve enrolled myself in so many workshops, read hundreds of books on toddlergood parenting psychology brain science… this one hits home. In just a week I’ve not once lost my calm. I use to lose it almost everyday. My 3 year old is listening to me and doing whatever I say with love and respect. I love this. It really is fun light and easy to follow. I actually can’t wait for the next days email! THANK YOU!”

joanna estes
Joanna Estes
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“These are the parenting strategies I’ve been looking for. Of all the parenting books and advice online that I have read, Strategic Parenting is the most useful, practical, and easy to follow. And so far it’s working! It’s only been 9 days so far, but the interactions I’ve had with my children have been so positive. So far so good!”

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“I’m really surprised how much the yelling diminished in our house in just 5 days of the No yelling program. They give good advice and examples on how to apply them, by e-mail, which makes it accessible and easy. Really helpful, can’t wait for the next e-mails.”

The 28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge is a SHORTCUT.

Before I created the No-Yelling Parenting Challenge, I received endless messages from parents asking me how to stop yelling at their kids.

They told me they didn’t have to yell at their kids until they started testing their boundaries…

That every time they yelled, they would feel sad, guilty, and “like a bad parent”…

That they only yell after repeating themselves countless times, after losing their patience…

That they find themselves yelling every day, all day and that yelling has become “normal” communication in their families…

That even yelling sometimes doesn’t work any-more, so they need to use threats and punishments (because they see no other way)…

That they feel powerless because they’re yelling all the time and yelling made them feel like an arrow was piercing their heart every single time…

And that they’ve had ENOUGH of this “Endless Yelling Cycle” and don’t want to raise their kids this way.

They would yell every time their kids refused to do something (chores, homework, go to sleep, go to school, stop playing video games)…

They would yell every time their kids misbehaved, lied, or talked back at them…

They would yell every time they were in a hurry or just tired from a long day of work, with their patience long gone…

And they could see how yelling was hurting them AND their children. It was hurting the whole family.

Luckily, I spent the last 40 years developing No-Yelling Tools that help parents stop yelling once and for all – in less than 28 days.

I spent well over 10,000 hours developing these through research, trial and error, and working with tens of thousands of families, “challenging” kids and teachers…

And, while counterintuitive at first, this framework works like a charm.

That’s why I never had to yell at a kid in my whole life…

That’s how I was able to keep my cool and patience even when I was dead tired or in a hurry…

And that’s how I’ll help you finally stop yelling at your kids.

Here’s how it works:

Here’s everything you’ll get if you join The 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge TODAY

28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge

You’ll get access to 28 daily e-mails with unique No-Yelling Tools that will help you. Here are a few examples:

Day 2: This “secret technique” will save your vocal cords, instantly get your child’s attention, and (re)train them how to listen to you when talking in a “normal” voice

Day 5: The No-Nagging Approach that you can use whenever your child misbehaves, that ensures they never act the same way again (in a calm, peaceful way, that brings you closer together)

Day 6: Avoid the “Why me?” conversation, get your kids excited to do their chores (without resistance), and grow up into responsible, independent adults faster

Day 9: Learn how to “keep your cool” and stop losing your patience – and raise calmer, happier, more attentive kids that never yell back at you

Day 11: Tantrum Stoppers that instantly extinguish never-ending tantrums (and help your kids do things they don’t want to do without resistance and throwing fits)

Day 14: How to reliably get your kids off video games, phones and other screens, without ever having to argue about it

Day 18: End morning battles and get your kids out of the front doors – on time, every time – this technique works especially well when you’re in a hurry and don’t want to be late for work

Day 20: Eliminate bedtime struggles (and effortlessly get your kids to bed in 5 minutes or less) – using this simple trick from your kitchen

Day 22: The alternative to punishments and threats (that actually works), and teaches your kids how to behave in a respectful, fun and “sweet & sour” way

Day 23: No more sibling battles – how to teach your siblings to work together with each other – instead of against each other (and arguing all the time)

Day 27: The Peaceful Family Solution – how to create a home full of smiles, laughter and memorable family moments

PLUS, 6 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($132 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Transforming Triggers Mockup

Transforming triggers (Worksheets): Explore the Causes of Your Anger and Develop New Strategies For Responding To Difficult Situations

Value: $17
Claming Techniques For Frustrating Moments Mockup

Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments (E-book): Various Methods to De-escalate Conflicts and Stay Calm in the Midst of a Conflict

Value: $17
No Yelling Progress Mockup

No-Yelling Progress Tracker (Printable): Keep Track of your Progress and Identify Areas That Might Need Improvement

Value: $17
Swap Negative Reaction for Positive Responses Mockup

Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses (E-book): Know Exactly What Positive Things to Say to Your Child in Different Situations

Value: $27
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
85 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE”
You can try the FULL 28-day No-Yelling Challenge 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!

You don’t WANT to yell at your kids.

But you do it because nothing else works.

Because you’re in a hurry to get to work, sleep or a doctor’s appointment.

Because you’re tired and impatient after a long day of work, taking care of the family or a sleepless night.

Because they just don’t follow your instructions even though you ask them nicely, don’t expect much from them and just want what’s best for them.

Because it shouldn’t be THAT hard to get ready for school, take out the trash and go to bed on time, right?

Yes, by yelling at your kids, you MIGHT get what you want…

But at a cost.

You feel horrible.


Like a bad parent.

Why can’t things just be different?

Why don’t your kids just LISTEN without you yelling at them?

Why can’t you just have a “normal” family?

Why does parenting have to be so hard and draining?

You just want a happy family that gets along well…

But instead, you’re stuck in the endless yelling cycle, and you’re not alone.

When I surveyed 5,000+ parents about their parenting challenges, I kept getting the same responses over and over again:

“I swore to myself I would never yell at my kids when I became a parent, but now I’m no better than my own parents.”

“I’ve been trying to stop yelling for YEARS. My mom yelled at me, and now I yell at my kids. I can’t seem to break this endless cycle.”

“My cruel childhood left a mark on me. I don’t want my kids to go through the same childhood I went through.”

It breaks my heart when I read these messages.

Especially because I know the consequences.

I know exactly what happens to yelling families if parents don’t stop yelling.

The endless yelling cycle can cause irreparable damage to your children, your family relationships and your mental health.

By working with multiple generations of kids, I saw what happens if the parents don’t stop yelling at their kids.

I’ve seen the same 7 deadly consequences of the endless yelling cycle happen over and over again, that cause parents to wonder “where did we go wrong?” at some point in their lives – often when it’s too late.

If you don’t stop yelling at your kids:

  1. You’ll raise a child that doesn’t believe in themself: They’ll develop low confidence and self-esteem who’s afraid to make mistakes in life (because no child is born with a low confidence – their confidence is shaped by their environment).
  2. You’ll feel like a bad parent: Even though you work hard to raise happy and successful kids, you’ll feel unheard, helpless and guilty every time you pull the authority card and yell at them. No parent deserves to feel that way.
  3. You’ll feel helpless: After yelling stops working, what’s next? Using force? Threats? Punishments? And after that, when that doesn’t work? You know you don’t want to raise your kids in those ways, so you need to change something about it today.
  4. You’ll raise yelling kids: Children mirror their environment with their own actions. If they get the signal that it’s ok to yell, they’ll yell back at you, at their teachers, at other kids, and eventually, at their own kids. Or worse, they’ll start hitting you when they’re older.
  5. You’ll scar your kids for life and damage family ties: Every time you yell at your kids, they’ll trust you less and less and feel less and less connected to you. At a certain point, you’ll create irreparable damage and your family will never be as close together as it once was.
  6. You’ll turn off their “learning switch”: The excitement on their faces will disappear. They’ll lose the desire to explore, create and learn, which will make it harder for them to be happy and successful in school and life. Eventually, they’ll turn to “bad friends”, drugs, alcohol and virtual realities where people “get them”, instead of living their best lives.
  7. You’ll damage the relationship with your partner: Yelling and bad mood will spread on to you and your partner, resulting in countless arguments over kids. I’ve seen countless families fall apart and parents divorce, because they couldn’t find a stress-less way to raise their kids. Don’t let this happen to you.

I’m not saying this to scare you.

It’s the harsh reality.

Only YOU can choose to accept it, ignore it, or do something about it.

The more you yell, the more damage you’ll do to your kids, your family and your mental health.

By now, you know that it’s time to STOP the endless yelling cycle once and for all.

The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become, and the more irreparable damage will be caused.

The more you yell, the more damage you’ll do to your kids and your family.

We both know that it’s time to STOP the endless yelling cycle once and for all.

The only question is – HOW?

Only YOU have the power to stop yelling at your kids and end the endless yelling cycle.

You have a choice to make.

You can choose to ignore my advice and keep yelling at your kids…

Or, you can do something about it today.

Yelling doesn’t have to be a household staple in YOUR family.

You don’t have to yell at your kids to get them to listen to you.

You can find a way to never have to yell at your kids…

You can feel like you’re the best parent that you can be…

You can raise happy and successful kids you’re proud of…

And you can love every single minute of it.

When you start using no-yelling tools instead of yelling, magic happens.

Once you start using no-yelling tools (which I’ll tell you more about in a minute)…

You’ll simply say something to your kids…

Use the right words…

The right tone…

The right gestures…

And they will just LISTEN.

They happily collaborate with you – even at things they don’t want to do.

All of a sudden, parenting becomes easy. Fun. Exciting.

And then, the REAL magic happens.

When you take your kids to their grandparents, or to a restaurant…

Other parents will stare at you in awe.

They’ll wonder:

“How do they do it?”

“How are their kids behaving so nicely?”

“What’s their secret?”

And you’ll simply lean back in your armchair and smile.

You’ll know you’ve put your kids on the right track to be happy and successful…

You’re no longer stressing out about parenting every day…

You even have quality, uninterrupted time with your partner…

You finally feel like you’re giving your kids everything you can – and they appreciate it.

The solution that will help you stop yelling isn’t “permissive parenting”.

You don’t have to let your kids do whatever they want.

You really really shouldn’t do that, despite the permissive parenting techniques that became all the hype over the past decades.

Parenting approaches that are too soft:

  • Limit your child’s development: they’ll learn the skills that interest them (like playing video games all day), but they won’t learn the vital skills they need in life (like becoming a financially independent and responsible adult).
  • Are not in your child’s best interest: by letting your child do only what’s fun for them, they’ll be happy in the short term, but unhappy in the long-term. They won’t know how to persevere, be gritty, and work through difficult challenges that life brings them.
  • Create more problems for parents: if you don’t set healthy boundaries for your kids and raise them without any consequences, they’ll start abusing that. They’ll stay out as long as they want to, they’ll stop studying for school subjects that don’t interest them, and they won’t do any chores. You can’t let your kids do whatever they want UNTIL they learn how to become independent and responsible.
  • Give your kids too much, too early: if you let your kids party, do drugs, have unprotected sex and anything they want to do without supervision… Well, I don’t have to tell you that will create many problems for them. When they’re 18, they’ll think “is that all there is to life?” and likely become depressed, spoiled and lazy.
  • Raise spoiled kids that become spoiled parents: sadly, there are many “kids” that still live with their parents by the time they are 30, 40 or even 50. “That could never happen to me”, you’ll say… But if they aren’t independent and responsible, how will they make a living, let alone raise their own kids?

Now, I’m not saying you have to be harsh and firm all the time. Quite the opposite.

You need to learn how to get your kids to listen without yelling, set healthy boundaries AND teach them the vital skills to thrive throughout their lives.

You don’t ALWAYS have a “yelling problem”.

When you’re in a good mood, rested, full of energy and have enough time, you’re yelling very rarely.

If everything is running smoothly, there’s no need for yelling.

But when the conditions aren’t perfect – which is sadly too often – that’s when the yelling battles ensue.

When you’re in a hurry to get to work because you don’t want to miss an important meeting…

When you’re tired after a long day of work…

When you just want a few minutes of peace for yourself…

That’s when everything falls apart.

So, let me ask you – what have you tried so far to stop yelling?

And what actually worked?

It’s not your fault that you’re still yelling at your kids.

If you’re like most parents, you’ve tried one or more of these 6 approaches.

And if you’re like most parents, they didn’t work for you.

Here’s why:

  1. Trying not to yell: Good intentions fall apart when your patience gets tested, you’re tired, or you have a bad day.
  2. Calming and breathing techniques: Only build up the anger inside of you, which eventually bursts out in even bigger yelling battles. Plus, you don’t really have an hour a day to meditate, do you?
  3. Removing yourself from the situation: Doesn’t work because you can’t leave your kids alone in public, and when you’re in a hurry and don’t have an hour to “calm down”.
  4. Relying on your partner to calmly resolve the situations: If they’re not around, if they’re too strict / too soft, if they have a bad day… this just doesn’t work.
  5. Asking the nice way and repeating yourself: Puts your kids in a position of power, tests your patience and wastes hours and hours of your precious time.
  6. Threats and punishments: Make you feel guilty, become less and less effective over time, don’t work if you don’t follow through and make you feel like a terrible parent.

Typical counter-yelling advice you’ll find on the internet like “count to ten”, “just calm yourself down” and “treat your kids respectfully” sounds good in theory, but just doesn’t work in practice.

You know it, or you wouldn’t be reading this page.

Why I never yelled at a kid – EVER

Parents are in disbelief when I tell them I NEVER yelled at a kid.

I’m Marko Juhant, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years.

Marko Juhant, author of 16 best-selling parenting books

I come from Slovenia (small country in Europe), which is why you might not have heard of me yet.

I started out as a teacher in a school campus…

Quickly graduated to a principal position at a school for “challenging” kids…

And believe me, the kids tried EVERYTHING to make me yell.

They threw things at me, yelled at me, tried to manipulate me…

marko Juhant in the forest
I could go on and on about the “tricks” kids tried to pull on me…

They could never make me yell.

I have two kids of my own as well – and I never yelled at them either.

Then, when other principals saw that I could help them stop yelling as well, they invited me to host workshops for teachers and parents at their schools.

Right now, I do about 500 workshops every year, where I help teachers and parents with their unique challenges – even though I’m in my 60s.

Marko Juhant parenting class
A workshop in front of 300+ parents and teachers at a primary school

When parents at workshops started asking me to give them something they could read at home, I started writing books.

I ended up writing 16 parenting books, most of which topped the national bestseller lists in Slovenia and competed with titles like Harry Potter.

Book stack Marko Juhant
My stack of best-selling books that helped 100,000+ parents raise their kids better

Over the past 40 years, more than 100,000 parents and teachers read my books or listened to my lectures.

Which is quite a few, since my country Slovenia only has about 800,000 parents.

My work has been featured across every major media outlet through articles and radio shows

This created a ripple effect throughout Europe.

All of a sudden, journalists from Croatia, Italy, Austria, Germany and Switzerland started interviewing me, and parents and teachers from all over Europe started reaching out to me for help.

I wanted to help – so I learned new languages just to be able to share my knowledge with them.

I helped thousands of families through YouTube videos and interviews

Over the years, I also worked with over 1,000 European families 1on1 that came to me as “their light at the end of the tunnel”.

I came into their home, worked with the parents and kids for a week, and solved their challenges.

“How is life without yelling possible?”

First, it was never an option for me.

When I worked as a school principal, I had clear instructions that I was not to yell at a kid unless their life was in danger.

It wasn’t an acceptable practice.

So, rather than ignoring it (which couldn’t be said for other people in my position), I learned to work within that boundary.

I had to get creative and find ways to get kids to listen without yelling.

So I did.

Second, I didn’t have to.

I have two kids of my own, who are now grown ups.

But my wife and I never yelled at them.


Simply because we didn’t have to.

We knew the steps to follow to avoid yelling battles, and we successfully resolved situations without yelling.

And you can too, with the approach I’m about to share with you.

How the no-yelling tools were born

I discovered this no-yelling approach because of the “no-yelling rule” I followed throughout my career.

Since yelling was never an option, I always had to find another way. And I did.

I developed it while working with challenging kids for over 40 years – in schools, kindergartens, and homes all over Europe.

I spent thousands of hours learning from my mentors. Reading all sorts of different books on parenting, psychology and life.

I tested thousands of different approaches to see what works and what doesn’t.

Over time, I developed my own no-yelling toolbox that helped me predictably get kids to listen without yelling.

And today, I’m going to share it with you.

No-yelling tools: The no-yelling cure that nobody talks about

No-yelling tools are psychological techniques that get your kid’s attention and make them cooperate with you without raising your voice.

They’re simple, effective, and easy to use.

With them, you’ll never have to repeat yourself.

You’ll never have to yell or raise your voice.

Because you’ll always know exactly what to do instead – and because you won’t need to.

To help you raise your kids without yelling, I developed a complete no-yelling toolbox that helps you avoid the major yelling battles.

You’ll effortlessly use them when it’s time to:

  • Listen to you
  • Follow your instructions
  • Wake up and go to school
  • Brush teeth ang go to bed
  • Get out of the house and run errands
  • Finish play, take out the trash and clean up the room
  • Study and do homework
  • …and in many many other situations.

And today, I’m thrilled to share them with you.

I combined the best no-yelling tools into a 28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge that was already taken by 3.000+ Slovenian parents who no longer yell at their kids.

Then, after more and more of them asked me if I had something that wasn’t in my native Slovenian language that they could send to their English speaking friends and partners, I gave in.

I translated these tools to English, and sent them to hundreds of teachers and parents all over the world.

They were blown away by them, told me they stopped yelling by using these tools within DAYS, and pressured me to share them with more people.

So I did. And today, you’ll be able to experience the magic of no-yelling tools as well.

Without further ado, I’d like to invite you into…

The 28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge

The no-yelling toolbox that will get your kids to LISTEN without yelling

This isn’t a challenge where you don’t yell for your kids for 28 days.

This challenge will teach you how to stop yelling at your kids for life.

Over the next 28 days, you will:

  • Get your kids to listen and follow your instructions without yelling
  • End the “endless yelling cycle” through no-yelling tools
  • Peacefully escape yelling battles and become a better example for your kids
  • Create warmer and calmer relationships through non-violent parenting techniques
  • Use a respectful and sometimes funny approach to get kids to listen, instead of yelling
  • Stop being the “yelling mom/dad”

Over the next 28 days, you’ll get a daily e-mail with one no-yelling tool – a specific technique from the no-yelling toolbox that will help you get kids to listen without yelling.

All in a respectful, peaceful and effective way, without creating unnecessary fear, emotional damage and guilt (on both sides).

When a yelling battle is on the horizon, you’ll know exactly what to do to avoid it.

And because you’ll get an e-mail (that just takes a few minutes to read) from me every day, you’ll easily be able to use the no-yelling tools in action the same day.

The 28-day no-yelling challenge includes:

  • Short explanations that will help you understand your kids’ thoughts and emotions
  • Concrete solutions for concrete problems, that will help your replace yelling
  • Practical instructions that will help you use the techniques the same day

In short – you’ll have everything you need to stop yelling within 28 days (though many parents reported to me that they were able to stop yelling way earlier).

Here’s everything you’ll get if you join The 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge TODAY

28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge

You’ll get access to 28 daily e-mails with unique No-Yelling Tools that will help you. Here are a few examples:

Day 2: This “secret technique” will save your vocal cords, instantly get your child’s attention, and (re)train them how to listen to you when talking in a “normal” voice

Day 5: The No-Nagging Approach that you can use whenever your child misbehaves, that ensures they never act the same way again (in a calm, peaceful way, that brings you closer together)

Day 6: Avoid the “Why me?” conversation, get your kids excited to do their chores (without resistance), and grow up into responsible, independent adults faster

Day 9: Learn how to “keep your cool” and stop losing your patience – and raise calmer, happier, more attentive kids that never yell back at you

Day 11: Tantrum Stoppers that instantly extinguish never-ending tantrums (and help your kids do things they don’t want to do without resistance and throwing fits)

Day 14: How to reliably get your kids off video games, phones and other screens, without ever having to argue about it

Day 18: End morning battles and get your kids out of the front doors – on time, every time – this technique works especially well when you’re in a hurry and don’t want to be late for work

Day 20: Eliminate bedtime struggles (and effortlessly get your kids to bed in 5 minutes or less) – using this simple trick from your kitchen

Day 22: The alternative to punishments and threats (that actually works), and teaches your kids how to behave in a respectful, fun and “sweet & sour” way

Day 23: No more sibling battles – how to teach your siblings to work together with each other – instead of against each other (and arguing all the time)

Day 27: The Peaceful Family Solution – how to create a home full of smiles, laughter and memorable family moments

PLUS, 6 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($132 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Transforming Triggers Mockup

Transforming triggers (Worksheets): Explore the Causes of Your Anger and Develop New Strategies For Responding To Difficult Situations

Value: $17
Claming Techniques For Frustrating Moments Mockup

Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments (E-book): Various Methods to De-escalate Conflicts and Stay Calm in the Midst of a Conflict

Value: $17
No Yelling Progress Mockup

No-Yelling Progress Tracker (Printable): Keep Track of your Progress and Identify Areas That Might Need Improvement

Value: $17
Swap Negative Reaction for Positive Responses Mockup

Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses (E-book): Know Exactly What Positive Things to Say to Your Child in Different Situations

Value: $27
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
85 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE”
You can try the FULL 28-day No-Yelling Challenge 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!
best selling author badge As seen on TV logo #1 Parenting Brand Award - 2022

Join thousands of “no-yelling” parents

This 28-day challenge was tested by over 25,000 parents.

Here’s what some of them said about it:

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“I use the tips from the first five days all the time. I even printed them out and put them on my wall, so they serve as a great reminder. It feels good to not have to yell!”

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“There’s no more needless yelling in our family. I love this program so much, because I finally know what to do and say instead of raising my voice. My favorite technique is from day 2 – that’s when I already reduced my yelling by 90%!”

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“I finally feel in control again. This helped me raise my kid without being disrespectful to him. He calms down faster, I calm down faster and maintain boundaries more easily. Parenting is finally fun for me again!”

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“We used to struggle with bad behavior and chores… But since I started using the no-yelling tools, my two boys are completely different. I don’t yell anymore, I don’t lose my cool, and my kids do what I ask them to do. It’s really a great program, it’s super practical and I can use the tips right away!”

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I can stay calm and collected in situations when I’d usually blow up. No need to yell anymore!”

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I love the tools and quick and easy instructions. Especially as a busy working mom of three kids who has little time. This is exactly what I was looking for!”

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“These materials opened my eyes… I had no idea I could raise my kids so easily, without yelling. They should teach us this in school!”

Who is the 28-day challenge right for?

The challenge is right for you if…

  • You yell at your kids too much: If you want your kids to listen to you without yelling… This challenge is for you.
  • You feel POWERLESS as a parent: If you’ve tried everything, but nothing ever works (and you have to use yelling, threats and punishments), then this challenge is perfect for you.
  • You want a happy, kind, loving family: If you want to have a family full of peace, calm, and happiness, and you want a shortcut to getting there, then this challenge is perfect for you.
  • You are a brand new (or seasoned) parent: This challenge will work for you if you’re still expecting kids, if you have a todler, a pre-schooler or a teenager… The challenge works for kids of all ages – it will work for your first, second and third kid (and beyond).
  • You are married, single mom/dad, stay at home mom/dad or coparenting: You will be able to get the most out of this challenge regardless of your current situation.

In short – if you’re a parent that wants to yell less… This challenge will work for you.

But don’t take my word for it…

“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE” Guarantee

Now, if for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the product…

Then I don’t want to keep your money.

That’s why I’m backing it up with a no-questions-asked 90-day money back guarantee.

I know that your child’s behavior will improve in just 28 days. But just in case, I’ll give you three times as much time to ask for a refund.

If the challenge doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send me an e-mail at [email protected] and my team will return your full investment.

No questions asked!

Clock icon

Limited time offer: Join the challenge for $1/day

If you want me to come into your home for one week to help you solve your parenting challenges…

It will cost you more than $5,000 (plus travel expenses).

It would be more than fair to charge a tenth of that ($500) for all the tools I’ll share with you in this challenge…

Because they are the very same tools my 1on1 clients use to stop yelling and become happy, connected families.

But I’m not going to do that.

I strongly believe that every parent in the world should get access to the most effective parenting tools on the planet…

And money should never hold you back from making the best investment you’ll ever make into your family.

That’s why I didn’t price the challenge at $300, $200 or even $100…

Even though those prices would be completely fair – as the challenge is worth many times more.

Because I want to help as many families as possible become No-Yelling Families…

You can try the challenge out, 100% risk-free, for just $1/day.

That’s less than you pay for your coffee every day…

Less than half a gas tank…

It’s even less than an average toy that you buy for your kids every Christmas.

And yet, this challenge will bring your family much more joy than ANY gift you could buy for them…

It will bring you (and your kids) lasting happiness, joy and a beautiful childhood that you all deserve.

It will be the single best investment you’ll even make in your family – guaranteed.

But don’t take my word for it.

Try the challenge out…

See the difference it makes for YOUR family…

And THEN decide whether it’s right for you or not.

You have NOTHING to lose, and EVERYTHING to gain.

Here’s everything you’ll get if you join The 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge TODAY

28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge

You’ll get access to 28 daily e-mails with unique No-Yelling Tools that will help you. Here are a few examples:

Day 2: This “secret technique” will save your vocal cords, instantly get your child’s attention, and (re)train them how to listen to you when talking in a “normal” voice

Day 5: The No-Nagging Approach that you can use whenever your child misbehaves, that ensures they never act the same way again (in a calm, peaceful way, that brings you closer together)

Day 6: Avoid the “Why me?” conversation, get your kids excited to do their chores (without resistance), and grow up into responsible, independent adults faster

Day 9: Learn how to “keep your cool” and stop losing your patience – and raise calmer, happier, more attentive kids that never yell back at you

Day 11: Tantrum Stoppers that instantly extinguish never-ending tantrums (and help your kids do things they don’t want to do without resistance and throwing fits)

Day 14: How to reliably get your kids off video games, phones and other screens, without ever having to argue about it

Day 18: End morning battles and get your kids out of the front doors – on time, every time – this technique works especially well when you’re in a hurry and don’t want to be late for work

Day 20: Eliminate bedtime struggles (and effortlessly get your kids to bed in 5 minutes or less) – using this simple trick from your kitchen

Day 22: The alternative to punishments and threats (that actually works), and teaches your kids how to behave in a respectful, fun and “sweet & sour” way

Day 23: No more sibling battles – how to teach your siblings to work together with each other – instead of against each other (and arguing all the time)

Day 27: The Peaceful Family Solution – how to create a home full of smiles, laughter and memorable family moments

PLUS, 6 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($132 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Transforming Triggers Mockup

Transforming triggers (Worksheets): Explore the Causes of Your Anger and Develop New Strategies For Responding To Difficult Situations

Value: $17
Claming Techniques For Frustrating Moments Mockup

Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments (E-book): Various Methods to De-escalate Conflicts and Stay Calm in the Midst of a Conflict

Value: $17
No Yelling Progress Mockup

No-Yelling Progress Tracker (Printable): Keep Track of your Progress and Identify Areas That Might Need Improvement

Value: $17
Swap Negative Reaction for Positive Responses Mockup

Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses (E-book): Know Exactly What Positive Things to Say to Your Child in Different Situations

Value: $27
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
85 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE”
You can try the FULL 28-day No-Yelling Challenge 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to get into yelling battles with your child?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The daily challenge emails that I’ll be sending you will only take 5 minutes to read. You can skim through them while having your coffee, taking a break from work or watching your favorite TV show.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day vacation in the middle of the challenge with no access to your email… that’s not really a problem either. The emails will wait for you until you return, just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have whole 90 days to try the challenge 100% risk-free.

The tools you’ll receive work on anyone from toddlers up until around 18 years of age.

In the challenge I also provide several examples for different age groups, to make it very relevant regardless of your child’s age.

If you still think they might be too young or too old, my recommendation is to simply give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. You can ask for a full refund until 90 days after the purchase.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The “No-Yelling Tools” have been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I made sure that they’re bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this challenge will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the challenge, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

All you need is access to your emails. There are no other tools or investments needed.

Program consists of short lessons in textual form. You will receive one lesson each day, containing one no-yelling tool. As if receiving one chapter of a book.

Since you will receive lessons via email, you can of course read them anytime and anywhere you wish. I advise you to read them in the morning and try to use them on the same day when they are still fresh in your memory.

Once you receive the lessons, they are yours to keep. You will be able to return to them anytime, read them again and as many times as you want. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program, as you will receive daily lessons in the form of emails.

Of course, you keep these emails forever. You can read them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the 28-day program are intended for parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that work way better than yelling, regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40 year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are humain. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order the program and them e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the program, please notify us at [email protected] within 90 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

Here’s everything you’ll get if you join The 28-Day No-Yelling Challenge TODAY

28-Day No-Yelling Parenting Challenge

You’ll get access to 28 daily e-mails with unique No-Yelling Tools that will help you. Here are a few examples:

Day 2: This “secret technique” will save your vocal cords, instantly get your child’s attention, and (re)train them how to listen to you when talking in a “normal” voice

Day 5: The No-Nagging Approach that you can use whenever your child misbehaves, that ensures they never act the same way again (in a calm, peaceful way, that brings you closer together)

Day 6: Avoid the “Why me?” conversation, get your kids excited to do their chores (without resistance), and grow up into responsible, independent adults faster

Day 9: Learn how to “keep your cool” and stop losing your patience – and raise calmer, happier, more attentive kids that never yell back at you

Day 11: Tantrum Stoppers that instantly extinguish never-ending tantrums (and help your kids do things they don’t want to do without resistance and throwing fits)

Day 14: How to reliably get your kids off video games, phones and other screens, without ever having to argue about it

Day 18: End morning battles and get your kids out of the front doors – on time, every time – this technique works especially well when you’re in a hurry and don’t want to be late for work

Day 20: Eliminate bedtime struggles (and effortlessly get your kids to bed in 5 minutes or less) – using this simple trick from your kitchen

Day 22: The alternative to punishments and threats (that actually works), and teaches your kids how to behave in a respectful, fun and “sweet & sour” way

Day 23: No more sibling battles – how to teach your siblings to work together with each other – instead of against each other (and arguing all the time)

Day 27: The Peaceful Family Solution – how to create a home full of smiles, laughter and memorable family moments

PLUS, 6 FREE BONUSES – Today Only ($132 Total Value)

Hurry up! Only the first 50 parents to order today will get access to these bonuses.
Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Transforming Triggers Mockup

Transforming triggers (Worksheets): Explore the Causes of Your Anger and Develop New Strategies For Responding To Difficult Situations

Value: $17
Claming Techniques For Frustrating Moments Mockup

Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments (E-book): Various Methods to De-escalate Conflicts and Stay Calm in the Midst of a Conflict

Value: $17
No Yelling Progress Mockup

No-Yelling Progress Tracker (Printable): Keep Track of your Progress and Identify Areas That Might Need Improvement

Value: $17
Swap Negative Reaction for Positive Responses Mockup

Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses (E-book): Know Exactly What Positive Things to Say to Your Child in Different Situations

Value: $27
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
85 % OFF
“My Child’s Behavior Gets Better Or It’s FREE”
You can try the FULL 28-day No-Yelling Challenge 100% risk-free. If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send us an e-mail within 90 days and we’ll return your full investment – no questions asked!
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