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Bestselling Parenting Expert Reveals The 41 Habits Of No-Yelling Parents. His NEW Book Has Empowered 1000s Of Parents To Get Their Kids To Listen Without Yelling.

Elevate your parenting with this counterintuitive No-Yelling System. Get your kids’ attention no matter what they are doing, keep your calm even when you’re exhausted, and develop zen-like parental patience.


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Your Pathway To Feel Empowered And In Control

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The Real Reason You’re Yelling At Your Kids (It’s Not Your Fault!)

Parents often yell to be heard and to be seen. They yell because the kids aren’t listening. They yell when they start to feel anxious.

In those moments, they don’t know what to do. They feel powerless. And one easy way to feel power quickly is to… yell.

Deep regret immediately sets in. They don’t want to yell. But many parents continue to do it because nothing else seems to work…

If you’re one of those unlucky parents who can’t stop themselves from yelling, you entered what I call the vicious Endless Yelling Cycle.

It’s NOT your fault – this is a cycle that’s often passed from generation to generation…

endless yelling cycle

Scientists Say That Kids Who Are Yelled At…

👉 May experience shrinkage in key regions of their brains. Several studies confirmed that their brains might be smaller than “normal”. [1]

👉 Are more likely to experience depression and anxiety. They can struggle with regulating their emotions and are more prone to being angry and aggressive. [2]

👉 Might have lower confidence and self-esteem and can experience a feeling of “worthlessness”. [3]

👉 Might develop their IQ at a slower pace. They can have trouble learning, have slower language development and struggle in school. [4][5]

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“Yelling at children may have consequences that go beyond those of spanking. Parents who yell may miss out on a chance to teach children to regulate their emotions”
Stephanie Parade, PhD, professor of psychiatry and human behavior, Brown University

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“New work from HMS researchers suggests that parental verbal abuse can injure brain pathways, possibly causing depression, anxiety and problems with language processing.”
Elizabeth Dougherty, Harvard Medical School

This Book is a SHORTCUT For Busy Parents Who Want a Yelling-Free Family


My No-Yelling tools have now already helped 10s of thousands of parents all around the world to get their kids to listen and cooperate without yelling.

I first tested this system myself and then with people around me. Then, I decided to share it publicly with tens of thousands of people around the world in a fun No-Yelling Challenge.

Here are just some of the impressions that parents shared about the challenge:

Join Thousands Of Parents Who Already Stopped Yelling

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"Nothing has worked as well as this." - Christina R. (mom of a 3-year-old)
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"Every day, I eagerly awaited their emails to gain insight and have fun while realizing the errors in my approach to educating my seven-year-old. I followed their advice, and the results have been remarkable thus far."
"We are getting on better than ever." - Seyda A. (mom of a 13-year-old)
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"I've enrolled myself in so many workshops, read hundreds of books on toddlergood parenting psychology brain science... this one hits home. In just a week I've not once lost my calm. I use to lose it almost everyday. My 3 year old is listening to me and doing whatever I say with love and respect. I love this. It really is fun light and easy to follow. I actually can't wait for the next days email! THANK YOU!"
"It’s not the first parenting course that I’ve done, but I’ve certainly claimed some really useful insights..." - Dene T. (dad of a 3-year-old)
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"These are the parenting strategies I’ve been looking for. Of all the parenting books and advice online that I have read, Strategic Parenting is the most useful, practical, and easy to follow. And so far it’s working! It’s only been 9 days so far, but the interactions I’ve had with my children have been so positive. So far so good!"
"I found it really, really helpful and our relationship with my daughter really improved." - Anita J.
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"I’m really surprised how much the yelling diminished in our house in just 5 days of the No yelling program. They give good advice and examples on how to apply them, by e-mail, which makes it accessible and easy. Really helpful, can’t wait for the next e-mails."
Anita Jaeger
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"Very helpful, useful, easy to implement guidance and tips, that work and make a difference immediately! I really love the content, and the focused daily emails take only 5 minutes to read, with recommendations that can be implemented straight away. It’s making a huge difference to my parenting and building a strong relationship and connection with my child! Love it!"
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"Thanks for the good tips over the challenge! I like it very much! It gave me some good ideas on how to handle these situations. My son started to collaborate a lot and I became calmer."
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Rachael Raven
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"I loved the daily emails! It helped me to be more deliberate in my parenting. I became a better mom and way more chill! My favorite take away was, “Do you need me to help you turn off your device or can you turn it off yourself?” My teenagers would smile at me when I would ask that and they would say, “I can turn it off.” Then they did just that! It took the yelling out of ending screen time for the day."
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The 5-minute ideas are practical, powerful, and work. It helped me to see my grandchildren in a new light that enables me to build them up and strengthen our relationship. It has made me a more confident individual as well. Wish I had known more of these strategies when I was teaching!! It amazes me that I did some of them instinctively….
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"These mails are byte sized pieces of parenting wisdom that handhold parents to a calmer place. They guide parents to reach their intended outcome without losing poise or control. I am 7 days into the challenge and am enjoying the very relatable, real life situations on with the strategies are based. Looking forward to the remaining lessons!"
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Galya Georgieva
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"Short and straight forward messages and instructions that you need to follow. Busy parents like me buying a lot of books to help with parenting, but at the end of the day we don’t have time to read them all. Those 28 emails were the most valuable in my parenting experience so far!"
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"It helps when supporting us in our struggles to be better parents and sometimes you just need to get a confirmation that you are doing the right thing. And it is very cheap and easy to implement in everyday..."
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"Marko gave us practical and immediately useful advice and strategies for parenting even in the most stressed situations and it turned out working so well! Absolutely worth the price!"
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"I am a 68 year old grandmother of 4. Ages from one and a half to 5 and a half. The advice has been very very helpful. I am grateful that nowadays we have lot more resources to help our children with their behaviour. And help us understand and react properly."

Beyond Temporary Fixes – Tools That Work at Every Age and Stage

I’ve spent 40 years developing, testing and refining this system. Now I collected them in one book for any parent to learn it, stop yelling and reconnect with their kids within days.

Part 1: No-Yelling Tools

Most parents yell in the heat of the moment when they don’t know what else to do.

I put together a collection of battle-tested parenting tactics designed to be used when there is no time to think. You simply need to replace yelling with one of these No-Yelling Tools.

Part 2: Emergency Protocols

Most parents get into the biggest yelling battles when tired and stressed out. When your patience is being tested, you need a different set of solutions.

That’s where Emergency Protocols come into play. You can use these simple, short steps without much energy or patience. They help you be the best parent you can be, even when you feel at your worst.

Part 3: Instant Relaxation Triggers

Finally, you need to re-learn how to stay calm, composed and patient even in the most chaotic circumstances.

Instead of “losing it,” you’ll use a set of Instant Relaxation Triggers. These techniques trigger a relaxed state in your mind and body within seconds. You can use them in any situation and nobody will even notice you’re using them.

From a Struggling School Principal to a Viral Online Sensation

Marko Juhant Crossed Arms

I’m Marko Juhant, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years. But working with children wasn’t always easy for me…

Before I had my own two kids, I had a job at a school for “challenging” kids… And believe me, the kids tried EVERYTHING to make me yell. They threw things at me, yelled at me, tried to manipulate me… I felt powerless and had no clue what to do about it.

Then it all suddenly changed.

I discovered techniques that helped me predictably and reliably get kids to listen and cooperate. The techniques were so effective that 100s of schools started asking me to host workshops for their teachers and parents. I even ended up writing 16 parenting books…

Book stack Marko Juhant

Then the pandemic started and I had to stop holding workshops… right at the time when parents needed my help the most.

So I started posting my content online and creating e-books and online challenges and so on.

Some of my videos received millions of views. This encouraged me to keep digitalizing more of my materials.

Facebook post

I’m Here to Help You Become a No-Yelling Parent (Even If You’re Yelling Every Single Day)

juhant testimonial

During my workshops and coaching sessions with families, I’ve seen parents who tried absolutely everything to stop yelling at home.

Repeating themselves, removing themselves from the situation, giving the child a time out, using a reward system, taking 10 breaths, counting to 10, permissive parenting techniques…

But none of it actually worked…

The only thing I’ve found absolutely life-changing was the 3-step No-Yelling System, which consists of:

  1. No-Yelling Tools – to get your kids to listen without yelling
  2. Emergency Protocols – to keep your cool when you’re stressed out, tired or in a hurry
  3. Instant Relaxation Triggers – to become a calm, patient parent

This unique combination of simple tools (with a twist) worked in every stressful situation, with kids of all ages.


The Ultimate No-Yelling Guide:

Get Your Kids To Listen And Cooperate Without Yelling, Threats and Punishments

Get Instant Lifetime Access To The 3-Step No-Yelling System

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You will receive…

  • Complete 3-Step No-Yelling System will help you stop yelling at your kids (without spanking, threats and punishments)
  • 22 No-Yelling Tools to get your kids’ attention in a calm and surprisingly effective manner, without yelling or even raising your voice
  • 12 Emergency Protocols to keep your cool when you’re stressed out, tired or in a hurry
  • 7 Instant Relaxation Triggers to become a clam, patient and relaxed parent
  • Practical real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, and scripts on what exactly to say to your kids.
  • 5 FREE Gifts (Total Value $115)


  • Instant Access to the E-Book
  • Read on any device, anywhere, anytime – or print it out
  • Lifetime access to all the materials (including free gifts)
  • 14-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee – try it out 100% risk-free
List price: $ 25
Bonus price: $ 115
Total value: $ 140
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Here’s Exactly What You’ll Find Inside This Guide

Part 1 – Understanding Why You Yell: And Why It’s Not Your Fault

First, we’ll go through the Endless Yelling Cycle so you can understand the underlying reasons which lead you to yelling.

You will learn about:

  • The Endless Yelling Cycle that has been passed on to you by your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents.
  • The Good Yelling which you might use when your kids find themselves in dangerous situations (in the book you’ll learn additional techniques that make even this type of yelling unnecessary).
  • The Bad Yelling, which you should do everything in your power to avoid (in later chapters you’ll learn how exactly you can do that).
  • The Unconscious Yelling that doesn’t stem from anger or frustration but nonetheless sets yelling as a default mode of communication at your home. You’ll learn how to bring this type of yelling in the conscious world and stop the endless yelling cycle.

This part will give you a strong foundation that will make everything else easier – from getting your kid’s attention without yelling, calming yourself down, and becoming a patient parent even when you’re exhausted at the end of the day.

Part 2 – No-Yelling Tools: Get Your Kids to Listen Without Yelling 

Most parents yell in the heat of the moment when you don’t know what else to do.

When your child doesn’t listen… When you fail to get their attention… When they won’t cooperate… When they fight back, or resist your instructions… Or when they throw a fit when they don’t get what they want…

In this chapter, you will find all the necessary battle-tested parenting tactics designed to be used when there is no time to think – you just need to act.

  • A No-Yelling toolbox with practical real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, scripts on what to say to your child, and cute illustrations to make what you’re reading more memorable.
  • 3 Essential Quiet Strategies to get your kids’ full attention in any situation – without yelling or even raising your voice.
  • 5 Effective Communication techniques that will help you stop repeating yourself and angging (and your kids will cooperate the FIRST time you say something to them).
  • 5 Strategies for Growing a Meaningful Connection with Your Kids
  • 8 Strategies on how to use teaching moments to improve your child’s emotional intelligence and resilience.

Once you finish this chapter, you will be equipped with all the necessary no-yelling tools so you can get your kids to listen without having to yell or raise your voice.

Part 3 – Emergency Protocols: Keep Your Cool When You’re Stressed Out, Tired or in a Hurry

Most parents lose their patience when they’re stressed out, tired and in a hurry.

That’s why, in the third part of the e-book, you’ll master emergency protocols – the step-by-step “safety stops” that you can use to get your kids to cooperate QUICKLY, without resistance, when you really just need them to do what you ask them to do.

In this part, you’ll get access to:

  • 5 Preventive Outburst Strategies you can use to calm down yourself and your child. Using these strategies will drastically reduce the number of outbursts in your family.
  • 7 Effective Calming Techniques to diffuse the stressful situation without hurting your child’s feelings or causing them emotional scars.
  • A Reconnection Protocol: A step-by-step guide that will help you to grow even closer together with your child after the fall-out.
  • A Magic Word that will help you nip the arguments in the bud and avoid yet another yelling battle.
  • The Urgency Protocol to use when you’re in a hurry – so your kids go to bed, brush their teeth, and get dressed up for school on time – EVERY time.
  • The Stress Elimination Protocol will help you stay calm in stressful situations when you’re tired and kids are doing everything they can to get on your nerves.
  • The Safety Stop Protocol will prevent you from blowing up when you’re completely exhausted and stressed out and have zero energy left.

Once you have a bulletproof plan for all the key triggering situations that make you yell, you’ll be able to reduce the yelling in your family by 90-95%.

Your kids will happily cooperate with you even when you’re not at your best, and a bad day won’t make you go back into your old habits.

Part 4 – Instant Relaxation Triggers: Become a Calm, Patient and Relaxed Parent

You may find this to be the most useful information in the entire book. That’s because this part focuses on what you CAN control – yourself.

By studying what helps the world’s calmest parents stay calm, and field-testing their strategies with over 100 of my private parenting coaching, I developed Instant Relaxation Triggers a set of bulletproof strategies that will put you into a state of calm within seconds, and help you become a patient, relaxed and composed parent.

In this part, you’ll learn about:

  • An Instant Calm Trigger: An ancient breathing technique that will help you calm down within seconds when you feel like you’re losing it, without anyone noticing what you did.
  • The Progressive Relaxation Trigger: You’ll be able to calm your mind and body by releasing the tension that’s leading you to blowing up.
  • The Zen Breath: By making a subtle change in the way you breathe (that 99% of parents don’t know about), you’ll be able to stay much calmer, more relaxed and energized throughout the day, which will drastically reduce the amount of stressful parenting situations you experience.
  • Patience Amplifiers: A set of triggers that will make you more patient, kind and understanding and raise your kids with a smile on your face and unconditional love.
  • The Anger Release Trigger: This counterintuitive technique will help you work through your thoughts and emotions without suppressing them or letting them take over your body – that will make it a lot less likely for you to ever blow up again.

When you start using Instant Relaxation Triggers, it becomes so much easier to not just avoid yelling at your kids, but to be a calm, relaxed and patient parent that’s a great example for the whole family.

Patience and calm are two things that are extremely difficult to teach if you don’t lead by example, but when your kids see how calm and collected you are… They’ll observe you, model you and learn from you.

And as they do that, they’ll stay calmer themselves, throw way less fits and tantrums, and make your parenting life even easier.

With the complete No-Yelling System, you’ll give your family a fresh start it deserves, and create a better future for all of you.

Plus, 5 FREE Bonus Gifts ($115 Total Value)

Peacful Parent e-book

Peaceful Parent (E-book): 7 Counterintuitive Strategies for Keeping Your Cool, and Becoming a Patient, Peaceful, Happy Parent

Value: $27
Transforming Triggers Mockup

Transforming triggers (Worksheets): Explore the Causes of Your Anger and Develop New Strategies For Responding To Difficult Situations

Value: $17
Claming Techniques For Frustrating Moments Mockup

Calming Techniques for Frustrating Moments (E-book): Various Methods to De-escalate Conflicts and Stay Calm in the Midst of a Conflict

Value: $17
Swap Negative Reaction for Positive Responses Mockup

Swap Negative Reactions for Positive Responses (E-book): Know Exactly What Positive Things to Say to Your Child in Different Situations

Value: $27
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27

Get Results Or It’s FREE!

You get a full 14-day money-back guarantee.

I’m so confident that this ultimate guide will help you significantly reduce or even completely stop yelling that I’m going to give you a 100% fair offer.

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If the e-book doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send me an e-mail at My team will return your full investment, no questions asked.

We stand behind all our programs unconditionally because our customer satisfaction rates are so high.

We’re responsive and reliable, and we’re here to help.

There’s nothing to lose.

And everything to gain…

I know how powerful this system is and I don’t want you to miss out.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Ultimate No-Yelling Guide:

Get Your Kids To Listen And Cooperate Without Yelling, Threats and Punishments

Get Instant Lifetime Access To The 3-Step No-Yelling System

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You will receive…

  • Complete 3-Step No-Yelling System will help you stop yelling at your kids (without spanking, threats and punishments)
  • 22 No-Yelling Tools to get your kids’ attention in a calm and surprisingly effective manner, without yelling or even raising your voice
  • 12 Emergency Protocols to keep your cool when you’re stressed out, tired or in a hurry
  • 7 Instant Relaxation Triggers to become a clam, patient and relaxed parent
  • Practical real-life examples, step-by-step instructions, and scripts on what exactly to say to your kids.
  • 5 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $115)


  • Instant Access to the E-Book
  • Read on any device, anywhere, anytime – or print it out
  • Lifetime access to all the materials (including bonus gifts)
  • 14-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee – try it out 100% risk-free
List price: $ 25
Bonus price: $ 115
Total value: $ 140
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The confirmation email with the e-book will be delivered as soon as the order is completed.


  1. Suffren S, et al.. Prefrontal cortex and amygdala anatomy in youth with persistent levels of harsh parenting practices and subclinical anxiety symptoms over time during childhood. Dev Psychopathol. 2022 Aug;34(3):957-968.Teicher MH, Samson JA, Polcari A, McGreenery CE. Sticks, Stones, and Hurtful Words: Relative Effects of Various Forms of Childhood Maltreatment. Am J Psychiatry. 2006 Jun;163(6):993-1000.
  2. Baumrind D. Effects of parental verbal aggression on children’s self-esteem and school marks. Child Abuse Negl. 1999;23(4):339-351.
  3. Aber JL, Allen JP, Carlson V, Cicchetti D. In: The effects of maltreatment on development during early childhood: recent studies and their theoretical, clinical, and policy implications, in Child maltreatment: Theory and research on the causes and consequences of child abuse and neglect. Carlson V,
  4. Cicchetti D, editors. Cambridge University Press; New York: 1989. pp. 579–619.
  5. Trickett PK, McBride-Chang C. The developmental impact of different forms of child abuse & neglect. Developmental Review. 1995;15:311–337.
  6. Shellenbarger S. Talking to Your Child After You Yell. Wall Street Journal. [Published 2014 Jan 29; Cited 2023 Oct 3].
  7. Dougherty E. Cutting Words May Scar Young Brains. Harvard Medical School. [Published 2009 Feb 20; Cited 2023 Oct 3].
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