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Do You Feel Like Screens Have Swallowed Your Children?

Discover How to Get Your Children Off Screens and Inspire Them for the Real World

Without Having to Yell, Argue, or Ban Technology

Ages 4-18
Healthy Screen Time for Kids
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
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Early Bird Sale -41%
Healthy Screen Time Habits Kit
4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews
  • 21 Digital Cleansing Tools will help you get your child back from their screen addiction
  • Phone Contract (printable) to build trust and ensure your children use their phone responsibly
  • Boredom Jar (printable) for endless and interesting screen-free activities your child actually likes
  • Healthy Screen Time Guidelines for timing screen use according to your child’s age
  • Easy-to-read instructions with practical examples from everyday parenting situations
  • 90-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked) – read the whole book and go through all the materials at your own pace
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials – download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 5 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $137): Quick Guides, Practical Manuals and Printables tailored to busy parents and their kids
only $9.90 

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Here’s What You’ll Experience

…and get rid of the worries and fear that you’re letting your kids spend too much time in front of the screens.

You will learn how to create healthy screen time habits for your kids without having to yell, argue or ban technology from your home.

Unsettling Discoveries Made By Scientists…

Kids who use screens excessively…

👉 …might develop screen addiction. Dr Marc Potenza from the Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center says the effects of screen addiction are not much different than those of substance abuse and gambling disorders. [1]

👉 …could experience depression and anxiety by the age 12. They can struggle with regulating their emotions and are more prone to being angry and aggressive. [2]

👉 …often struggle with social interactions. They find it hard to make friends and talk to others. [3]

👉 …are more likely to struggle in school or drop out. Several studies show that students who spend more time in front of their screens have lower GPAs. [4]

18 day break your kid's screen addiction challenge

The computer is electronic cocaine for many people. Our brains are wired for finding immediate reward. With technology, novelty is the reward. You essentially become addicted to novelty.”
Dr Peter Whybrow, University of California

18 day break your kid's screen addiction challenge

“Many individuals stay glued to their screens even as they begin to experience major problems in functioning, in ways that are not dissimilar from those dealing with substance abuse and gambling disorders.
Dr Marc Potenza, Yale School of Medicine’s Child Study Center

Are You Making These Mistakes?

If you feel frustrated because you haven’t managed to keep your kids off the screens yet…

…chances are, you’ve tried the following techniques but they haven’t worked so far:

❌ Banning all technology. This leaves kids behind their peers and unprepared to use technology responsibly as adults.

They might also feel disconnected from their friends because this is how they keep up to date.

❌ Yelling, lecturing or punishing your children. This often backfires by breeding resentment, damaging your relationship, and again leads to them using technology behind your back.

You end up feeling guilty, worried, and frustrated.

❌ Excessive monitoring. This destroys the trust between your and your child.

Besides, you don’t want to spend all your days monitoring and worrying whether your kids are on screens or not.

Why This Program Is So Unique And Effective?

I’ve spent 40 years developing, testing and refining these parenting strategies. Now I designed a bulletproof 3-Part Digital Cleansing Plan so you can steer your kids away from playing video games and mindlessly scrolling through social media, reconnect with them and become a better parent. Here are the three parts of the Plan:

Part 1: ScreenTime Tamers

Kids have a hard time resisting the alluring pull of digital devices.

That’s why they ignore your pleas when you try to get them to put down their devices.

And that’s the same reason why you need a set of effective parenting techniques that will help you get your child off their screens without raising your voice or causing their resistance.

Part 2: Enhancing Real-World Connections 

Kids turn to screens whenever boredom strikes. The screens are filled with addictive content that grabs your children’s attention.

To counteract this, you need to know how to get your children interested in the real world.

Part 3: Navigating the Digital Landscape

To truly empower your kids to self-regulate their screen time and how they use their technology, you have to show them the ropes and build trust.

Only then will they become responsible users of technology without your constant supervision.

Thousands Of Parents Have Been Here and Have Found Their Way Out

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"Every day, I eagerly awaited their emails to gain insight and have fun while realizing the errors in my approach to educating my seven-year-old. I followed their advice, and the results have been remarkable thus far."
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"I've enrolled myself in so many workshops, read hundreds of books on toddlergood parenting psychology brain science... this one hits home. In just a week I've not once lost my calm. I use to lose it almost everyday. My 3 year old is listening to me and doing whatever I say with love and respect. I love this. It really is fun light and easy to follow. I actually can't wait for the next days email! THANK YOU!"
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Joanna Estes
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"These are the parenting strategies I’ve been looking for. Of all the parenting books and advice online that I have read, Strategic Parenting is the most useful, practical, and easy to follow. And so far it’s working! It’s only been 9 days so far, but the interactions I’ve had with my children have been so positive. So far so good!"
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“I use the tips from the first five days all the time. I even printed them out and put them on my wall, so they serve as a great reminder. It feels good to not have to yell!”
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“Your advice was practical, fun, and easy to understand. You can really see that the knowledge comes from experience and that gives you the confidence to apply it to raising your kids.”


Healthy Screen Time Habits Kit for Kids

Win Back Your Children From Their Screen Addiction Without Having To Yell, Argue Or Ban Technology

Get Instant Lifetime Access To The 3-Part Digital Cleansing Plan For Single Payment

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You’ll Receive…

Easy-to-digest e-book with the 3-Part Digital Cleansing Plan:

  • 21 Digital Cleansing Tools will help you get your child back from their screen addiction
  • Phone Contract (printable) to build trust and ensure your children use their phone responsibly
  • Boredom Jar (printable) for endless and interesting screen-free activities your child actually likes
  • Healthy Screen Time Guidelines for timing screen use according to your child’s age
  • Easy-to-read instructions with practical examples from everyday parenting situations
  • 90-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked) – read the whole book and go through all the materials at your own pace
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials – download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 5 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $137): Quick Guides, Practical Manuals and Printables tailored to busy parents and their kids


  • Digital E-Book – available for instant download
  • Read on any device, anywhere, anytime
  • Daily Accountability Emails that will help you stay on track and digest the content from the e-book
List price: $ 29
Bonus price: $ 159
Total value: $ 188
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You are protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee:
Go through all the materials 100% risk-free. If you don't love it, e-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll return your full investment within 2 business days, no questions asked.

Here’s Exactly What You’ll Learn In The Kit

Part 1 – ScreenTime Tamers: Get Your Child Off Screens Without Arguments

When kids are glued to their screens, it’s difficult to get them back in the real world. They are lost in their digital world and ignore every word you say.

That’s when you’re most likely to lose your patience, start yelling, making threats, and issuing punishments.

That’s why, in the first part of the Digital Cleansing Plan, I’ll take you through some of the most effective parenting techniques to get your child off their screens without raising your voice or causing resistance from your child.

Here are some of the tools you’ll get in the first part:

  • A simple system to set limits on screen time by helping your child understand that possessing a digital device is a privilege granted by you.
  • How to build a foundation of trust and responsibility with your child, ensuring they navigate the digital world safely. (Includes printable: Phone contract)
  • A step-by-step process to gradually decrease your child’s screen time.
  • A word-for-word script that will encourage your child to stop mindlessly scrolling through their apps.

Once you apply the tools from this chapter in your home, you’ll know how to get your kids off screens without yelling, which will have a positive effect on your relationship.

Part 2 – Real-Life Connection Enhancers: Spark Your Child’s Interest in Real-Life Activities

Nowadays, kids turn to their screens whenever they are slightly bored.

Each time they experience this uncomfortable feeling, they find comfort in their screens.

But the real world can be just as interesting as a digital world. Your child just doesn’t know it yet.

That’s why, in Part 2, you’ll find the tools to show this to your child.

You’ll learn:

  • How to balance digital life for your child, blending screen time with real-world fun.
  • A Sensory Wonderland Approach to boost your child’s cognitive, motor, and social skills through sensory-rich experiences that don’t include screens.
  • A Fun-Based Exercise to equip your child with endless real-world activities, reducing screen time and enhancing family bonding. (Includes printable: Boredom Jar)
  • The Curiosity Technique to understand what makes your child tick online and replace their screen time with an equally captivating activity.
  • A Simple 4-Step Framework that I use to this day to transform kids into focused learners, mastering the art of attention.

By finding real life equally interesting (and at times even more), your child will spend less time glued to their digital devices.

They’ll start spending more time with their friends and family, giving you a chance to reconnect with them.

Part 3 – Digital Landscape Navigators: Empower Your Child to Self-Regulate Their Screen Use and Time

Just as you wouldn’t give your child the keys to a car without first teaching them how to drive safely…

… you should teach them how to use their devices in a positive, intentional, and healthy way.

In Part 3, I’ll show you how you can do that.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to safeguard your child’s online journey, ensuring they explore the digital world safely and responsibly.
  • The “Sneaky Ways” Technique will help you stay one step ahead of your tech-savvy child.
  • How to empower your child with quality screen content, turning screen time into a valuable learning experience.
  • A “Disconnection Connection” Protocol to unlock your child’s social potential and develop genuine friendships beyond the screen.
  • A Counterintuitive Conversation Technique to reconnect with your child, pulling them out of the screen-induced haze and fostering genuine interactions.

Once you apply the tools from the last part of the e-book, your child will learn how to use digital devices responsibly and safely.

Instead of mindlessly scrolling through TikTok and Instagram, they’ll spend their time on screens learning about things they find interesting, enhancing their creativity, and developing skills that will help them thrive later in life (either in school, their hobbies, or at their job).

As a result, you won’t have to police and constantly monitor your child’s online activities.

I’m Also Including These 5 Free Gifts In Your Exclusive Offer

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FUNtastic guide: Give your kids an unforgettable screen-free adventure with 100 unique, interesting and educational ideas for quality evenings, weekends and holidays with the family

Value: $39
Strong-Willed Kids Manual e-book

Strong-Willed Kids Manual (E-Book): 5 Advanced Strategies For Raising Strong-Willed And Stubborn Kids

Value: $27
Happiness Tokens System e-book

Happiness Tokens System (Printable): Stop Your Kids From Misbehaving In Less Than 7 Days

Value: $17
Back Talk Remedies e-book

Back Talk Remedies (Word-for-Word Scripts): The Exact Things To Say (And Not To Say) When Your Kids Talk Back At You

Value: $17
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Avoiding Parenting Burnout (Guide): make your well-being a priority again. Spot and prevent the emotional exhaustion caused by the chronic stress of parenting, so you can be the best parent you can be.

Value: $59

From A Struggling School Principal To Over 100,000 Parenting Students Worldwide

I’ve probably been where you are right now.

Marko Juhant parenting coach

I’m Marko Juhant, and I’ve been working with kids for the past 40 years. And I believe today, working with kids is more difficult than it was for me back then.

15 years ago we wouldn’t even talk about “screen addiction.”

But now, helping kids navigate their balanced use of technology is one of the biggest challenges parents (and teachers) face.

This motivated me to put my head down and get to work. I sifted through hundreds of research papers on screen addiction, talked to psychologists, teachers and other experts, and attended dozens of seminars.

Then, I combined this vast knowledge with my existing deep understanding of child psychology and my 40 years of experience working with kids, parents and teachers.

I developed techniques that helped me predictably create healthy screen time habits for kids.

The techniques were so effective that 100s of schools started asking me to host workshops for their teachers and parents. I even ended up writing 16 parenting books…

That helped tens of thousands of parents.

I’m Here To Help You Win Your Child Back From Their Screens

marko Juhant in the forest

During my individual coaching sessions with families, I’ve seen parents who tried absolutely everything to get their kids’ attention.

Hiding their kids’ phones, turning off Wi-Fi, confiscating their devices, family meetings, trying to talk logically to them, yelling, and resorting to threats, punishments and rewards.

But none of it actually worked…

The only thing I’ve found absolutely life-changing was the 3-Part Digital Cleansing Plan, which consists of:

  1. ScreenTime Tamers – to set healthy screen time limits.
  2. Enhancing Real-World Connections – to show your child the beauty and excitement of the world around them.
  3. Navigating the Digital Landscape – to empower your child safe use of their digital devices.

This unique combination of simple strategies (with a twist) worked in every stressful situation, with kids of all ages.

Read the Whole E-Book 100% Risk-Free for 90 Days…

money back guarantee

I want you to read the whole e-book completely risk free… not just for a day, a week, or a month, but for whole ninety days, so you can go through it at your own pace.

If, for whatever other reason you’re not 100% satisfied with the e-book…

If you don’t feel like it’s the single best book on setting screen time limits for your kids you ever read…

If it doesn’t help you develop healthy screen time habits for your kids…

If it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations…

Then I don’t want you to have to pay for it.

Simply send me and e-mail to [email protected] any time within 90 days of your purchase and my team will return your full investment. No questions asked.

Plus, you get to keep the e-book – it’s on me.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you didn’t have to argue with your kids about their screen time?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The kit includes all the strategies you’ll ever need to set healthy screen time limits for your kids without yelling, arguing, or punishing.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day kid-free vacation… that’s not really a problem either. The materials will wait for you until you return; just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 90 days to try the guide 100% risk-free.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The parenting techniques and tools you’ll find in the kit has been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I’ve made sure that it’s bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it, I have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids and made sure they work in the digital age.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this kit will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the kit, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

You will receive all the materials in a digital format via email.

Since you will receive materials via email, you can of course access them anytime and anywhere you wish.

Once you receive the materials, they are yours to keep. You can also print them out and save them in a physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

The contents of the kit are intended for the parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that simply work, regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are not traditional parenting techniques. I’ve made sure that they work in the digital age. They are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40-year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are human. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make setting screen time limits easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order it and then e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the product, please notify us at [email protected] within 90 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

Get Instant Access To…

The Healthy Screen Time Habits for Kids E-Book

Win Back Your Children From Their Screen Addiction Without Having To Yell, Argue Or Ban Technology

Get Instant Lifetime Access To The Entire Kit For Single Payment

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You’ll Receive…

Easy-to-read e-book with the 3-Part Digital Cleansing Plan:

  • 21 Digital Cleansing Tools will help you get your child back from their screen addiction
  • Phone Contract (printable) to build trust and ensure your children use their phone responsibly
  • Boredom Jar (printable) for endless and interesting screen-free activities your child actually likes
  • Healthy Screen Time Guidelines for timing screen use according to your child’s age
  • Easy-to-read instructions with practical examples from everyday parenting situations
  • 90-day money-back guarantee (no questions asked) – read the whole book and go through all the materials at your own pace
  • Instant Lifetime Access to all the materials – download them, print them out or view them on your phone any time, anywhere
  • 5 FREE Bonus Gifts (Total Value $137): Quick Guides, Practical Manuals and Printables tailored to busy parents and their kids


  • Digital E-Book – available for instant download
  • Read on any device, anywhere, anytime
  • Daily Accountability Emails that will help you stay on track and digest the content from the e-book
List price: $ 29
Bonus price: $ 159
Total value: $ 188
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100% Secure 256-bit Encryption.
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You are protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee:
Go through all the materials 100% risk-free. If you don't love it, e-mail us at [email protected] and we’ll return your full investment within 2 business days, no questions asked.


  1. Potenza M. Teens and screen time is a problem, but more study is needed. The New York Times (July 15, 2015).
  2. Zapata-Lamana, et al. Increased screen hours are associated with low school performance. Andes Pediatr. 2021 Mar;92(4):565-575.
  3. Muppalla SK, Vuppalapati S, Pulliahgaru AR, Screenivasulu H. Effects of excessive screen time on child development: An updated review and strategies for management. Cureus. 2023, Jun 18;15(6):1-5.
  4. Zhao Y, Paulus MP, Potenza MN. Brain structural co-development is associated with internalizing symptoms two years later in the ABCD cohort. Journal of Behavioral Addictions. 2023 Mar;12(1):80-93.
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