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For parents who want a peaceful and happy family…

Positive Discipline Challenge: Improve Your Child’s Behavior Without Causing Emotional Trauma (In 21 Days)

Finally Adopt A Peaceful, Calm, And Effective Parenting Style In 2024 – Without Power Struggles, Tantrums, Meltdowns, And Guilt

Ages 3-18
21-Day Positive Discipline Challenge
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Marko Juhant Verified icon
Parenting coach and bestselling author
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The 21-Day Positive Discipline Challenge Includes:
4.8 / 5 based on 834 reviews
  • The 3-Step Positive Authority System: Transform your child’s behavior and improve family relations.
  • 21 Daily E-Mail Lessons: Set gentle yet firm boundaries without constant battles, nagging, back-talk, or aggressive outbursts.
  • Word-for-word scripts you can rely on, even in the heat of high-stress tantrums and fights.
  • Daily reminders will help you stay consistent in your parenting.
  • Proven and tested parenting techniques based on 40+ years of experience and working with 100,000+ kids and families.
  • BONUS Strategies, Methods and Scripts for quick & easy implementation for busy parents.
  • Instant lifetime access to all the materials – download them, print them and go through them at your own pace.
  • 90-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee – go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free.
Price: $28
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What Is The Positive Discipline Challenge?

While you’ve been told that you must never, under any circumstances, harshly punish, scold, or threaten your child…

That such actions might emotionally scar them for life…

We, the parenting experts, have omitted the other, perhaps even more crucial part of the advice.

That is…

How Do You Teach Your Child A Lesson When They Misbehave?

How can you ensure that your child will behave differently in the future?

What should you do when your little one intentionally hits another child (or you)?

When they lie to you about their whereabouts, social media use, or whether they’ve completed a given task?

Or when your child’s teacher informs you for the third time in a month that they are skipping classes?

In such situations, you’re struggling to figure it all out on your own.

Until now…

I’m Here To Help You Become A Gentle Parent Even When Your Child’s Actions Are Far From Gentle

Marko Juhant parenting coach

During my years of individual coaching sessions with families, I’ve seen parents who tried absolutely everything to change their child’s behavior to the better.

Repeating themselves, removing themselves from the situation, giving the child a time out, grounding them, taking away their electronic devices, counting to 10, praising, permissive parenting techniques…

But none of it actually worked…

The Only Thing I’ve Found Absolutely Life-Changing Was The 3-Step Positive Authority System

It focuses on the following:

  1. Understanding the root cause of the child’s behavior.
  2. Stopping misbehavior in its tracks in a way that doesn’t emotionally or physically harm your kids.
  3. Consistently and firmly maintaining healthy boundaries without confusing kids with what’s expected of them.

This simple yet effective process worked with kids older than 3 in every stressful situation.

Why This Program Is So Unique And Effective

For 40 years, I’ve been creating, experimenting with, and perfecting this approach.

I’ve gathered the best parenting methods into a simple 3-Step Positive Authority System.

This system is tailored to teach children important lessons gently, yet effectively.

And because you’ll be “immersed” in this subject for the next 21 days, these tools will become your intuitive approach to parenting. You’ll internalize them rather than memorize them.

The Positive Authority System is based on the following 3 steps:

1. Understand first, correct later.

When we feel overwhelmed and powerless, our first instinct is to address our children’s actions head-on.

This often leads us to issue overly harsh and senseless threats that might cause emotional harm to our kids.

However, kids don’t misbehave out of spite. There’s always a reason behind their actions.

By understanding your child before correcting their actions, you can find the real cause of their misbehavior.

Once you address these underlying causes, you’ll improve your children’s behavior in the long run.

2. Stop misbehavior in its tracks.

In the challenge, you’ll find a range of different natural and logical consequences.

This way, you can always choose a gentle measure that doesn’t harm the child but encourages them to change their behaviour.

3. Become consistent in your parenting.

Inconsistent parenting confuses kids and sends mixed signals about what you expect from them.

As a result, your child’s misbehavior is likely to repeat, leaving you stressed and unfairly angry at your child for not cooperating.

While it’s not always possible to have a stable home environment, there are things you can do to become more consistent and reliable in your parenting.

The Positive Authority System is designed to guide you through these steps one day at a time.

This way, you’ll become more confident and consistent in setting boundaries.

Disciplining your kids will become much less exhausting and stressful for you and less harmful for your kids.

I’ve Taken The Guesswork Out Of The Equation And Made Everything Simple For You

Everything comes in a simple, easy to follow done-for-you format.

You see, unlike most parenting books and courses that are heavy on theory, this program flips the script.

You will get 90% practical advice and just 10% theory so you don’t feel overwhelmed.

All you have to do is take 3-5 minutes each day to read the e-mail and then apply the parenting technique in practice.

Here’s Exactly What You Will Learn In The 21-Day Positive Discipline Challenge

21 day gentle parenting challenge

Step 1 – Peeling The Onion: Understand first, correct later

This is a necessary step as it will allow you to understand and better respond to your child’s needs. By truly understanding your kids’ actions, you’ll manage to change their behavior in the long run.

By definition, you’ll also gain their trust and improve relationships – you can’t truly understand your child if they don’t want to open up to you.

You will learn about:

  • Curiosity Questions: How to ask questions so you lead your child to change their behavior in the long term.
  • From HOT to COOL: A practical and simple technique to teach your child effective emotional expression – without angry outbursts, biting, or hitting.
  • Can’t or Won’t: Learn to distinguish the reasons behind why your child isn’t cooperating with you… and tackle the root cause head-on.
  • The powerful effect of Bonding Hours: Strengthen the relationship with your child so that they are more willing to cooperate and listen to you.
  • One Magic Word that will help you know what to say when your child breaks curfew, misbehaves, or ignores your requests… without launching into a lecture.

Once you conclude this phase of the Challenge you’ll create a deeper bond with your kids, which will make everything else about raising them so much easier for you.

Step 2 – Peaceful Interventions: End defiant behavior in its tracks

When you don’t know how to stop your children’s misbehavior at the very moment, this can lead you to lose your patience.

That’s why you’ll first learn about gentle, yet effective parenting strategies that will not only end misbehavior in its tracks, but also improve your children’s behavior in the long run.

In this part, you’ll learn about:

  • Co-Consequences: How to assign guilt-free consequences that help your child learn from their misbehavior.
  • Creative Time-Ins: Traditional time-outs can lead kids to feel isolated, rejected or abandoned. Instead, Creative Time-Ins will calm your kids down in the moment and set the stage for more meaningful conversation and cooperation once emotions have settled.
  • Expression Education: What to do when your child uses a curse word (or other bad words to hurt others’ feelings).
  • What to do when your child crosses a boundary… so that they take ownership of their behavior without shaming and blaming.

Once you learn how to assign consequences and empower your kids to learn from their misbehavior, you’ll feel less need to control them. You’ll feel comfortable giving your kids the freedom and tools they need to discern good behavior from bad on their own.

Step 3 – Structured Harmony: Become consistent in your parenting

After laying the groundwork by stopping disrespectful behavior in its tracks and enhancing your relationship with your kids… It’s now time to establish consistent boundaries, rules and routines.

We’ll dive deeper into:

  • Consistency and Routines: How to establish regular routines that help your kids thrive in an organized setting.
  • The Token System: A fun and engaging way to reinforce good behavior – without monetary rewards, such as buying them a new toy, a phone, or a video game.
  • How to put a stop to constant negotiations (bedtime, extended curfews, extra screen time, etc.).
  • Following Through: A counterintuitive strategy that will help you become consistent in setting boundaries and applying consequences.

Once your child becomes more organized and falls into a routine, you’ll no longer have to worry about battles around brushing teeth, getting changed, or picky eating.

And that’s just a sample of insights packed into this challenge.

With the complete Positive Authority System, you will transform the negative inner voice that is urging you to use harsher punishment into a positive one.

In difficult times, this voice will quietly advise you to search for one of the peaceful strategies and use it to overcome a stressful situation with your kids – without causing them emotional trauma.

When you join the Positive Discipline Challenge, you’ll also get instant access to…

Additional Strategies, Templates, Printables and Word-By-Word Scripts

14daygetyourkidstolisten bonuses

I’ve prepared these to help you remain a peaceful parent even in the most dire situations.

You’ll receive additional parenting strategies that will help you keep your cool and peacefully deal with your child’s misbehavior and boundary-crossing.

Additional word-by-word scripts will help you know exactly what positive things to say to your kids in different situations.

On top of that, you’ll also receive additional strategies for raising strong-willed and stubborn kids.

You’ll get some of these directly in the challenge, and others will be delivered to your e-mail in separate PDFs.


Try The Positive Discipline Challenge 100% Risk-Free For 90 Days

Money Back guarantee

I’m so confident that this challenge will help improve your child’s behavior that I’m going to give you a 100% fair offer.

If the challenge doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, send me an e-mail at [email protected]. I will make sure my team will return your full investment, no questions asked.

We stand behind all our programs unconditionally because our customer satisfaction rates are so high.

We’re responsive and reliable, and we’re here to help.

There’s nothing to lose.

And everything to gain…

I know how powerful this system is and I don’t want you to miss out.

Frequently Asked Questions

Before I answer this question, let me ask you this first: how much time would you SAVE if you wouldn’t have to get into battles with your child?

If it’s a significant amount of time (and stress!), then I think you and I both know what you need to do.

The daily challenge emails that I’ll be sending you will only take 5 minutes to read. You can skim through them while having your coffee, taking a break from work or watching your favorite TV show.

Now, if you’re about to go on a 10-day vacation in the middle of the challenge with no access to your email… that’s not really a problem either. The emails will wait for you until you return, just make sure you get them now before we increase the price.

Plus, you have a whole 90 days to try the challenge 100% risk-free.

The techniques you’ll receive work on anyone from toddlers up until around 18 years of age.

In the challenge I also provide several examples for different age groups, to make it very relevant regardless of your child’s age.

If you still think they might be too young or too old, my recommendation is to simply give it a try. There’s nothing to lose. You can ask for a full refund until 90 days after the purchase.

I’ve been developing and using these tools for over 40 years now. Much of my work has been focused specifically on kids with various disorders because I know that being a parent in this case can be particularly challenging.

The “Positive Discipline Tools” have been tried and tested on thousands of kids with ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and other disorders. I made sure that they’re bulletproof and working flawlessly in such situations.

My recommendation is to give it a try. You have nothing to lose and I’m convinced you’ll be blown away by how effective they are for your situation.

I get this question all the time. And my answer is always the same.

I’ve been studying this subject for over 40 years now. I wrote 16 books about it and have personally tested the tools on thousands and thousands of kids.

Trust me when I say this – by now I’ve made all my materials so bulletproof that I have yet to see them fail.

You’ll be surprised by how well and how quickly this challenge will work for you. But don’t take my word for it – see for yourself. Try the challenge, and if it doesn’t absolutely exceed your expectations, e-mail my team, and they’ll return your full investment – no questions asked.

All you need is access to your emails. There are no other tools or investments needed.

Program consists of short lessons in textual form. You will receive one lesson each day, containing one tool. As if receiving one chapter of a book.

Since you will receive lessons via email, you can of course read them anytime and anywhere you wish. I advise you to read them in the morning and try to use them on the same day when they are still fresh in your memory.

Once you receive the lessons, they are yours to keep. You will be able to return to them anytime, read them again and as many times as you want. You can also print them out and save them in physical form or make visual reminders out of them to help you stay consistent.

You do not need any additional application such as Zoom for the program, as you will receive daily lessons in the form of emails.

Of course, you keep these emails forever. You can read them anywhere and anytime, whenever it suits you best.

The contents of the 21-day program are intended for parenting of children of all ages. These are proven parenting techniques that work regardless of the age of the children. Some also work with adults!

I totally agree with you. Your children are different from all others. And this is really not a bad thing! It just means that they are predictable in some way and that the methods will work for them as they work for most other children.

The parenting techniques I will share with you are based on the psychological patterns and responses of many of the children I have worked with and observed in my 40 year career. Regardless of their personality and special characteristics, some things remain the same and work. They are humain. In the nature of all of us.

Therefore, I am sure that you will also learn something new, that you will better understand your child and that you will gain new educational approaches and techniques that will make parenting easier and more successful.

Of course! You can order the program and them e-mail us at [email protected] to transform ownership to the person you want to gift it to.

If you are not satisfied with the program, please notify us at [email protected] within 90 days of purchase and get your money back.

Please just review and actually try to use the content in practice.

Join The 21-Day Positive Discipline Challenge – $28

21 day gentle parenting challenge
  • The 3-Step Positive Authority System: Transform your child’s behavior and improve family relations.
  • 21 Daily E-Mail Lessons: Set gentle yet firm boundaries without constant battles, nagging, back-talk, or aggressive outbursts.
  • Word-for-word scripts you can rely on, even in the heat of high-stress tantrums and fights.
  • Daily reminders will help you stay consistent in your parenting.
  • Proven and tested parenting techniques based on 40+ years of experience and working with 100,000+ kids and families.
  • BONUS Strategies, Methods and Scripts for quick & easy implementation for busy parents.
  • Instant lifetime access to all the materials – download them, print them and go through them at your own pace.
  • 90-day no-questions-asked money back guarantee – go through all the materials at your own pace 100% risk-free.

The program is provided to you in 21 daily emails. You’ll get lifetime access. The confirmation email will be delivered as soon as the order is completed.

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